Web Apps
You can use Flowstorm to build basically any conversational application you can think of, whether it’s a custom voice assistant, an educative application, interactive games and stories, or many other ...formats.
Build HR assistants that save time and money, shopping assistants that help customers with their decisions, interactive manuals, car assistants, or even virtual sports trainers or applications in the mental health domain - assistants that offer first aid based on cognitive behavioral therapy
Flowstorm Pitch-deck Short overview
# Flowstorm Platform
Flowstorm comes with built in Persona with social talk skills and reusable dialogs resources. The focus is not only on B2B software houses but also creative studios, individual developers and creatives.
# Addressing end-to-end development
- Deployability - Across different platforms iOS, Android, Web, Alexa, Raspberry, Automotive, Unreal Engine...
- Prototyping Capability - To rapidly create new code
- User Interface - For all Read moreless
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This page was composed by Pavel Ducho and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-08-16 08:02:40 and last edited by Pavel Ducho at 2021-08-13 13:35:30. This page has been viewed 676 times.
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