Kamon APM
Business Software
IT and Operations
Kamon Telemetry open-source instrumentation library is well known and received with Akka and Play developers globally. The best thing about Kamon Telemetry it’s very simple to start using, requires al...most no coding and can be set-up in a matter of minutes.
Developers can send Kamon Telemetry data to the visualization/dashboarding tool of their choice (most popular seem to be Prometheus and Zipkin).
Kamon APM’s major benefit is it comes with a built-in dashboard for the most important metrics to monitor, taking the pain of figuring out what to monitor and building your own dashboards for weeks out of the monitoring. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Antonija Bilić Arar and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-02-22 11:16:33 and last edited by Antonija Bilić Arar at 2021-02-18 10:40:41. This page has been viewed 1394 times.
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