Maya Ai
Business Software
Productivity and Communications
So, what can you do with Maya?
Talk, think, manage, and grow with your Maya bot. Your personalized assistant takes care of operations while you focus more on the bigger picture. Maya will keep you u...p to date on your current progress and provide the next step you need to take.
Quick Deployment- You tell Maya what to do, and she will do it in a matter of seconds. For example, “Hey Maya, deploy my mall ads” or “Hey Maya, trademark my product.”
• Task Manager- Manage, edit, and perform tasks within your task manager. Maya will also be adding different tasks for the growth of your idea.
• Central Workstation- Manage your business in a single area. View current projects and operations without having to bounce around.
• Gamification- Gain experience points to level up your business while having fun with your work. Unlock cool benefits and features and while adding spice to your work environment.
• Maya's Brain- You can monitor your bot and see what she is doing on the backend. There Read moreless
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This page was composed by Shivam and published by It was created at 2021-02-22 11:27:35 and last edited by Shivam at 2021-02-16 16:48:48. This page has been viewed 1117 times.
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