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I used to live from day to day, every month I spent all my income, I had no savings and I didn't invest my money.
If there was an emergency, an unexpected expense came up or I wanted to go on vacatio...n, I had a hard time. That month I had to control everything I did, stop eating out, stop going out and cut back on every expense, in order to be able to deal with that emergency or whim.
When I decided to control my money I started, I tried all the apps on the market and none of them worked for me.
I want to save, I want to control my expenses (and all my wealth actually) without having to spend hours every week and that's why I created monse. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Víctor Falcón Ruíz and published by It was created at 2022-04-26 09:46:37 and last edited by Víctor Falcón Ruíz at 2022-04-22 15:49:42. This page has been viewed 454 times.
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