Sentry is an impressively versatile and functional platform that developers can use to test their code and respond nimbly whenever their users receive an error message.
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Sentry Reviews
We have 1 review for Sentry. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: You may have spent years developing your app, but it can be hard to guess who well it's going to function out in the wild. There are countless variables that can cause your app to not run like it should, and it's impossible to test every possible variable before you launch. Even more distressing, it can be hard to know how your app is performing once it's already out there. When your users encounter an app crashing bug, are they sending in error reports, or are they just deleting the software? You can't rely on your users to do your heavy lifting, but they also serve as the best method for digging into the potential bugs in your software. Sentry offers a robust selection of error tracking options so you can get your software out into the field quicker and rest easy knowing that any problems are tracked and dealt with in an efficient manner. Sentry is an open source project, and that brings with it a number of distinct advantages. Development is able to adapt to the shifting needs of Sentry's users, and their mission statement is built squarely around security, production scalability, and observability. The job of Sentry is to get you the most meaningful information on bugs as quickly as possible without having to parse inscrutable and puzzling language or dig deep into the code in search of the solution to your problem. That's because Sentry gives you both the tools to identify your bugs and the means to jump right in and resolve them. A clean and concise crash report provides you with both information about the error and the session in which it happened so that you can determine patterns and make conclusions about the possible circumstances leading to the crash. You can even receive stack traces in real code blocks so that you can dive right in and figure out the source of the problem. They make use of the native language structures for Python, iOS, and JavaScript, and you can drown out the noise for the sound by using a variety of different filtering options on your results. But bugs don't simply exist in a vacuum, and Sentry is all about giving you the tools you need to get to the root of the problem. You can easily compare every incidence of a single bug so that you can replicate it and come to a solution before it happens again. These sort of preventative measures can help you build trust with your clients and stop problems before they scare your customers away. On a larger macro scale, Sentry offers a wide variety of metrics displayed in graphs, charts, and other displays so that you can track the behaviors of your users and the errors in your code and prioritize threats accordingly.
Pros: Quick and accurate performance scaled to projects of almost any size Efficient and peppy notification system Very deep insight into the underlying issues behind errors
Cons: Bit of a learning curve to figure out how the software works Search functionality is a bit rudimentary
Sentry Videos
MisterPhillz IG Photo Gallery at Marvel Legends at BBTS
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