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Simul Docs

Business Software Productivity and Communications
Simul is a version control & collaboration tool for Microsoft Word that makes it easy for multiple people to collaborate on Word documents. Here's how it works: 1. You upload the document to Simul ( your computer or from sources like OneDrive or Sharepoint) and invite people to collaborate 2. Collaborators open the document from Simul in just 1 click, just like they would from a shared drive 3. Each time the document is saved, Simul automatically creates a new version and shows you what changed 4. Repeat until the document is completed. No more emailing documents around or using crazy filenames like 'Contract V27_Dave's Edits' for version control. The benefits of using Simul include: - Instant access to the latest version (no more accidentally editing an old version) - Never overwrite another authors changes - Easily work simultaneously. Simul will automatically detect if two people are working on a document at the same time, save each person's changes separately and provide an aut Read moreless

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This page was composed by Ben Morris and published by It was created at 2021-08-16 07:16:51 and last edited by Ben Morris at 2021-08-14 11:04:56. This page has been viewed 535 times.

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