Aeon Commands
Currently we have 0 bot commands and 257 slash commands for Aeon Discord bot.
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/anilist anime anime |
Fetches an anime from AniList. |
/anilist character |
Fetches an anime character from AniList. |
/anilist manga |
Fetches a manga from AniList. |
/anilist person |
Fetches a person from AniList. |
/anilist studio |
Fetches a studio from AniList. |
/anilist user |
Fetches a user from AniList. |
/bin |
Bins a text. |
/calculate |
Calculates a math expression. |
/changelog |
Sends my changelog. |
/channel list |
Fetches the server channel list. |
/channel view |
Fetches channel information. |
/code list |
Sends a list of available programming languages. |
/code run |
Runs a code provided. |
/color |
Sends a color information. Can also be used to get a random color. |
/country |
Fetches information of a country. |
/covid |
Fetches current COVID-19 statistics. |
/currency |
Converts a currency to another currency. |
/datetime |
Fetches date and time based on the given location. |
/decode base64 |
Decodes a Base64 text. |
/decode binary |
Decodes a binary text. |
/decode morse_code |
Decodes a morse code text. |
/decode qr_code |
Decodes a QR code. |
/decode url |
Decodes an encoded URL. |
/define |
Defines a word. |
/distro |
Fetches a distribution information. |
/dns |
Fetches DNS records of a domain. |
/edited |
Generates a weird edited text. |
/embed |
Generates embed(s). Use to generate the data. |
/emoji list |
Fetches the server emoji list. |
/emoji view |
Fetches emoji information. |
/encode base64 |
Encodes a text to Base64. |
/encode binary |
Encodes a text to binary. |
/encode morse_code |
Encodes a text to morse code. |
/encode qr_code |
Encodes a text to a QR code. |
/encode url |
Encodes a text to URL component. |
/genshin_impact artifact |
Fetches an artifact from Genshin Impact. |
/genshin_impact character |
Fetches a character from Genshin Impact. |
/genshin_impact item |
Fetches an item from Genshin Impact. |
/genshin_impact spiral_abyss |
Fetches a Spiral Abyss floor information from Genshin Impact. |
/genshin_impact weapon |
Fetches a weapon from Genshin Impact. |
/github gist |
Fetches a gist from GitHub. |
/github repository |
Fetches a repository from GitHub. |
/github user |
Fetches a user from GitHub. |
/hash crc32 |
Hashes a text to CRC32. |
/hash md4 |
Hashes a text to MD4. |
/hash md5 |
Hashes a text to MD5. |
/hash sha1 |
Hashes a text to SHA1. |
/hash sha224 |
Hashes a text to SHA224. |
/hash sha256 |
Hashes a text to SHA256. |
/hash sha384 |
Hashes a text to SHA384. |
/hash sha512 |
Hashes a text to SHA512. |
/hash snefru |
Hashes a text to Snefru. |
/hash snefru256 |
Hashes a text to Snefru256. |
/hash whirlpool |
Hashes a text to Whirlpool. |
/heliohost load |
Sends HelioHost server load. |
/heliohost signups |
Sends HelioHost server signups status. |
/heliohost status |
Sends HelioHost account status. |
/heliohost uptime |
Sends HelioHost server uptime. |
/help |
Sends a very cool help command. |
/image am_i_a_joke |
Generates an "am I a joke?" meme. |
/image bob_ross |
Generates a Bob Ross painting. |
/image chip |
Generates an image inside Chip's logo. |
/image circle |
Generates a circled image. |
/image crewmate |
Generates a crewmate image from Among Us. |
/image discord_ping |
Generates an icon with Discord ping. |
/image god |
Generates a search result with the suggestion "god". |
/image gun |
Generates an image with a gun overlay. |
/image lego |
Generates an image with a lego filter. |
/image pixelate |
Generates an image with a pixelate filter. |
/image shit |
Generates an "Ew, I stepped in shit" meme. |
/image stonks |
Generates a stonks meme. |
/image triangle |
Generates a triangled image. |
/image triggered |
Generates a triggered meme image. |
/image what |
/image who_would_win |
Who would win? |
/image_effects blur |
Generates an image with a blur effect. |
/image_effects charcoal |
Generates an image with a charcoal effect. |
/image_effects deep_fry |
Generates an image with a deep fry effect. |
/image_effects edges |
Generates an image with an edges effect. |
/image_effects emboss |
Generates an image with a emboss effect. |
/image_effects explode |
Generates an image with an explode effect. |
/image_effects flip |
Generates an image with a flip effect. |
/image_effects flop |
Generates an image with a flop effect. |
/image_effects implode |
Generates an image with a implode effect. |
/image_effects invert |
Generates an image with a invert effect. |
/image_effects motion_blur |
Generates an image with a motion blur effect. |
/image_effects noise |
Generates an image with a noise effect. |
/image_effects oil |
Generates an image with an oil painting effect. |
/image_effects recolor |
Generates a recolored image. |
/image_effects resize |
Generates a resized image. |
/image_effects sepia |
Generates an image with a sepia effect. |
/image_effects shade |
Generates an image with a shade effect. |
/image_effects sharpen |
Generates an image with a sharpen effect. |
/image_effects spread |
Generates an image with a spread effect. |
/image_effects swirl |
Generates an image with a swirl effect. |
/image_effects waves |
Generates an image with a waves effect. |
/image_effects wide |
Generates an image with a wide effect. |
/image_text banner |
Generates a dummy text banner. |
/image_text captcha |
Generates a reCAPTCHA. |
/image_text change_my_mind |
Generates a "change my mind" meme. |
/image_text clyde |
Generates a fake Clyde message. |
/image_text did_you_mean |
Generates a "did you mean" meme. |
/image_text disconnected |
Generates a "connection lost" screen from Minecraft. |
/image_text ph_logo |
Generates a PH logo. |
/image_text presidental_alert |
Generates a fake presidential alert. |
/image_text retarded |
Generates an "Oh no, it's retarded" meme. |
/image_text supreme |
Generates a Supreme logo. |
/image_text yt_logo |
Generates a YouTube logo. |
/image_text_and_image drake |
Generates a Drake meme. |
/image_text_and_image fake_quote |
Generates a fake quote. |
/image_text_and_image fake_tweet |
Generates a fake tweet. |
/image_text_and_image ph_comment |
Generates a fake PH comment. |
/image_text_and_image steam |
Generates a Steam popup. |
/image_text_and_image tom_scott |
Generates a Tom Scott meme. |
/image_text_and_image yt_comment |
Generates a fake YouTube comment. |
/ip |
Fetches information based on the given IP address. |
/itunes album |
Fetches an album from iTunes. |
/itunes application |
Fetches an application from iTunes. |
/itunes artist |
Fetches an artist from iTunes. |
/itunes audiobook |
Fetches an audiobook from iTunes. |
/itunes ebook |
Fetches an eBook from iTunes. |
/itunes movie |
Fetches a movie from iTunes. |
/itunes podcast |
Fetches a podcast from iTunes. |
/itunes song |
Fetches a song from iTunes. |
/jisho |
Searches through Jisho, a Japanese dictionary. |
/kitsu anime |
Fetches an anime from Kitsu. |
/kitsu manga |
Fetches a manga from Kitsu. |
/know_your_meme |
Fetches a meme from Know Your Meme. |
/last_fm album |
Fetches an album from |
/last_fm artist |
Fetches an artist from |
/last_fm top |
Sends top tracks and artists from |
/last_fm track |
Fetches a track from |
/last_fm user |
Fetches a user from |
/links |
Sends useful links regarding me. |
/logs |
Toggles server logs. |
/lyrics |
Fetches song lyrics. Title can only be optional if there is a music playing. |
/mdn |
Fetches an article from MDN Web Docs. |
/minecraft server |
Fetches a server from Minecraft. |
/minecraft user |
Fetches a user from Minecraft. |
/myanimelist anime |
Fetches an anime from MyAnimeList. |
/myanimelist character |
Fetches an anime character from MyAnimeList. |
/myanimelist manga |
Fetches a manga from MyAnimeList. |
/myanimelist person |
Fetches a person from MyAnimeList. |
/myanimelist seasonal |
Fetches seasonal anime list from MyAnimeList. |
/myanimelist user |
Fetches a user from MyAnimeList. |
/mywaifulist series |
Fetches a series from MyWaifuList. |
/mywaifulist waifu |
Fetches a waifu from MyWaifuList. |
/osu beatmap |
Fetches a beatmap from osu!. |
/osu medal |
Fetches a medal from osu!. |
/osu ranking |
Fetches ranking data from osu!. |
/osu user |
Fetches a user from osu!. |
/owner blacklist |
Blacklists an ID. |
/owner command_usage |
Sends the command usage. |
/owner eval |
Evaluates a code. |
/owner exec |
Executes a command. |
/owner post_server_count_to_topgg |
Posts server count to |
/owner reload |
Reloads stuff. |
/owner statistics |
Sends bot's statistics. |
/package npm |
Fetches a package from npm. |
/package pypi |
Fetches a package from Python Package Index. |
/ping |
Pings me. |
/play_store |
Searches for an application from Google Play Store. |
/quaver mapset |
Fetches a mapset from Quaver. |
/quaver ranking |
Fetches ranking data from Quaver. |
/quaver statistics |
Fetches Quaver game statistics. |
/quaver user |
Fetches a user from Quaver. |
/random aeon |
Sends a random Aeon. |
/random animal |
Sends a random animal. |
/random bot_token |
Sends a random Discord bot token. |
/random chuck_norris |
Sends a random fact about Chuck Norris. |
/random coffee |
Sends a random picture of a coffee. |
/random does_not_exist |
Sends a non-existing entity. |
/random flazepe |
Sends a random flazepe. |
/random inspirobot |
Sends a random quote from InspiroBot. |
/random integer |
Sends a random integer. |
/random joke |
Sends a random joke. |
/random lorem_ipsum |
Generates a random lorem ipsum dummy text. |
/random neko_girl |
Sends a random picture of a neko girl. |
/random quote |
Sends a random quote. |
/random subreddit |
Sends a random entry from a subreddit. |
/random trap |
Sends a random picture of a trap. |
/random waifu |
Sends a random picture of a waifu. |
/random waifu_avatar |
Sends a random picture of a waifu avatar. |
/random wallpaper |
Sends a random picture of a wallpaper. |
/random word |
Sends a random word. |
/remind delete |
Deletes a reminder. |
/remind list |
Sends the reminder list. |
/remind set |
Set a reminder. |
/request |
Does an HTTP request. |
/role list |
Fetches the server role list. |
/role view |
Fetches role information. |
/sauce anime |
Searches for an anime source based on the image given. |
/sauce manga |
Searches for a manga source based on the image given. |
/sauce pixiv |
Searches for a Pixiv source based on the image given. |
/sauce song |
Searches for an anime source based on the song title or lyrics given. |
/server |
Fetches server information. |
/snipe message |
Snipes channel's messages. |
/snipe reaction |
Snipes message's reactions. |
/snowflake |
Fetches infomation on a Discord snowflake (user ID, channel ID, etc.). |
/spotify album |
Fetches an album from Spotify. |
/spotify artist |
Fetches an artist from Spotify. |
/spotify playlist |
Fetches a playlist from Spotify. |
/spotify song |
Fetches a song from Spotify. |
/spotify user |
Fetches a user from Spotify. |
/statuspage |
Fetches a Statuspage status page. |
/steam game |
Fetches a game from Steam. |
/steam user |
Fetches a user from Steam. |
/stock |
Fetches stock information. |
/tag alias |
Adds or removes an alias from a server tag. |
/tag create |
Creates a new server tag. |
/tag delete |
Deletes a server tag. |
/tag edit |
Edits a server tag. |
/tag list |
Lists available server tags. |
/tag meta |
Sends a server tag information. |
/tag open |
Allows/disallows everyone to create server tags. |
/tag raw |
Sends raw server tag content. |
/tag rename |
Renames a server tag. |
/tag view |
Sends a server tag. |
/text aesthetic |
Generates an aesthetic text. |
/text bent |
Generates a bent text. |
/text decancer |
Decancers a text. |
/text double_underline |
Double underlines a text. |
/text emojify |
Generates an emojified text. |
/text flip |
Generates a flipped text. |
/text length |
Calculates a text character length. |
/text lowercase |
Lowercases a text. |
/text mirror |
Generates a mirrored text. |
/text mock |
Mocks a text. |
/text owoify |
Generates an owoified text. |
/text reverse |
Reverses a text. |
/text slashthrough |
Slashthroughs a text. |
/text small_caps |
Generates a text with small caps. |
/text stinky |
Generates a stinky text. |
/text strikethrough |
Strikethroughs a text. |
/text tildethrough |
Tildethroughs a text. |
/text underline |
Underlines a text. |
/text uppercase |
Uppercases a text. |
/text wingdings |
Generates a Wingdings text. |
/top_gg bot |
Fetches a Discord bot from |
/top_gg user |
Fetches a user from |
/translate |
Translate a text to any language. |
/tts |
Generates a text-to-speech file. |
/unicode list |
Lists unicodes from a text. |
/unicode search |
Searches for a unicode emoji via query. |
/url lengthen |
Lengthen a URL. |
/url shorten |
Shortens a URL. |
/user avatar |
Fetches a user or member's avatar. |
/user banner |
Fetches a user or member's banner. |
/user view |
Fetches a user's information. Also shows member information if applicable. |
/vndb character |
Fetches a visual novel character from Visual Novel Database. |
/vndb person |
Fetches a person from Visual Novel Database. |
/vndb producer |
Fetches a producer from Visual Novel Database. |
/vndb statistics |
Fetches Visual Novel Database statistics. |
/vndb visual_novel |
Fetches a visual novel from Visual Novel Database. |
/weather |
Fetches weather based on the given location. |
/whois |
Performs a WHOIS lookup on a domain. |
/wikipedia |
Fetches summary of a Wikipedia article. |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,860,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers