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AlarmBot icon

AlarmBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 13 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Alarm Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

AlarmBot will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
AlarmBot avatar
AlarmBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
A list of my commands
Command - **activateAlarm**

Description - Activates an alarm with a given id that was silenced previously
Usage - $silenceAlarm <id>

Command - **activateAllAlarms**

Description - Activates all alarms that are currently silent.
-p to activate all private alarms and -a to activate all regular alarms on the server
Usage - $activateAllAlarms <type>

Command - **alarm**

Description - Sets up an alarm that will be repeated
This alarm will send a message to the channel of the server in which it is activated. Insert channel as the last parameter if you wish to send the message to a specific channel, otherwise it will send it to the channel you are typing the message on

Usage - $alarm <timezone/city/UTC> <minute> <hour> <day_of_the_month> <month> <weekday> <message> <channel?>
Command - **alarmHelp**

Description - Sends a message with a set of examples on how to use the parameters
Usage - $alarmHelp

Command - **deleteAllAlarms**

Description - Deletes all of YOUR alarms in the server you use it - THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERTED
-a for public alarms of that server; -p for private alarms; -oa for public one time alarms; -op for private one time alarms
Usage - $deleteAllAlarms <flag>

Command - **deleteAlarm**

Description - Deletes the alarm with a given id - THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERTED
Usage - $deleteAlarm <id>

Command - **editAlarm**

Description - Allows the user to edit the alarm. Use the following flags:
-m - Allows the user to alter the message and, if applies, the channel to which the message is sent.
-c - Allows the user to alter the cron parameters.
You can combine both flags to change the parameter and message at the same time
Usage - $editAlarm -m <alarm_id_regex> <message> <channel?>
Or: $editAlarm -c <alarm_id> <timezone/city/UTC> <minute> <hour> <day_of_the_month> <month> <weekday>
Or: $editAlarm -c -m <alarm_id> <timezone/city/UTC> <minute> <hour> <day_of_the_month> <month> <weekday> <message> <channel?>

Command - **help**

Description - DMs the requiree a list with all the available commands
Usage - $help

Command - **myAlarms**

Description - Fetches all of your alarms.
myAlarms -id sends a non embed message with the ids for easier copy/pasting on phone.
Usage - $myAlarms

Command - **oneTimeAlarm**

Description - Sets up an alarm that will play one time
For a private alarm use the -p flag as the second argument otherwise it will send the message to the channel you typed the command at
If no Date is specified then it will default to today
Usage - $oneTimeAlarm <-p?> <Timezone> <HH:MM> <Day/Month/Year> <Message>

Command - **ping**

Description - Ping!
Usage - ping

Command - **premium**

Description - Information about premium membership
Usage - $premium

Command - **privateAlarm**

Description - Sets up a private alarm that will be repeated as specified in the arguments
The remainders will be sent to you via Direct Message!
The bot has to have a server in common with you to send a private message!
Usage - $privateAlarm <timezone> <m> <h> <day_of_month> <month> <year> <weekday> <message>

Command - **silenceAlarm**

Description - Silences the alarm with a given id. If you also pass a date it will activate automatically once that day arrives otherwise it will be silenced until you turn it back on using activateAlarm <id>
Usage - $silenceAlarm <id> <date_to_active_again>

Command - **silenceAllAlarms**

Description - Silences all alarms until they are reactivate.
-p to silence all private alarms and -a to silence all regular alarms on the server
Usage - $silenceAllAlarms <type>

Command - **timezonesinfo**

Description - Gets information about all timezones, or about a specific timezone if an argument is passed
Usage - $timezonesinfo
$timezonesinfo <timezones_name>

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of AlarmBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
$help -
$activateAllAlarm -
$alarm -
$alarmHelp -
$deleteAlarm -
$deleteAllAlarms -
$editAlarm -
$myAlarms -
$oneTimeAlarm -
$ping -
$privateAlarm -
$silenceAlarm -
$silenceAllAlarms -
Command Description

More Information on AlarmBot

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