This message is shown by AppBot Legacy when the help command is sent to a channel:
AppBot Legacy BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
AppBot Help
Welcome to AppBot's commands! The default prefix is / and AppBot mention (@AppBot), but you can always customize it in /config. If you would like a more detailed explanation of all the commands, read our website documentation.
Hosting isn't cheap!
Our donation link is Here. These donations help us pay for the server that AppBot runs on.
The configuration menu allows you to configure everything, from applications, permissions, to the bot's settings. Use reactions to select your desired action. For a detailed explanation of how to use the config command, check out the configuration tab in our Documentation.
/review @member
Review a specific member's application based off of the user provided.
Have a menu sent allowing you to review members in different ways.
Retrieve a list of submitted applications and basic information about each one.
/format application
Get the format of a specific application.
Get a list of positions to apply for.
Other Commands
/about - Gives some information about the bot. /invite - Retrieve a bot invite to send to others. /support - Retrieve an invite to our support server. /donate - Receive a donation link. /upvote - Receive links to upvote AppBot. /ping - Retrieve the bot's response time in milliseconds.
Still need help? Type /support to join the support server.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of AppBot Legacy by visiting their support server or their website: