DIPboy icon

DIPboy icon


0 reviews | 295 servers
Default Prefix: DIPboy

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting DIPboy to a new server, it will send you this private message:
DIPboy avatar
DIPboy BOT today at 4:20 PM
Valid prefix examples

DIP test, <@319603147616157696> test, <@!319603147616157696> test, DIPboy test, DIPtest

DIPboy *timebomb*

Any message starting with this will self destruct in 5 seconds

DIPboy *echo*

I'll echo anything you say after that (and a space)

DIPboy *cleanecho*

Same as DIPecho except I only say the intended message and you need permission level 1 or above, hence the word "clean"

DIPboy *reversegimage* **image link**

Takes an image as an input and tells you what Google thinks it is.

DIPboy *weather* **query**

Uses Bing and OpenWeatherMap to give live weather data for any location on Earth.

DIPboy *map* **query**

Uses Bing Maps to show any location on Earth, with zoom features.

DIPboy *phonecode* **code**

Find out what country that telephone code is for.

DIPboy *calc* **expression**

Evaluate many mathematical expressions, set variables, and more. For example, 1 + 1 or sin(pi)`` orx = 0and theny @= x^2`

DIPboy *randompin*

See a random pin from this channel.

DIPboy *debug*

Pulls up diagnostics as well as permission level.

DIPboy *commands* **[user/server]**

See popularity of commands and which people use them.

DIPboy *test*

Shows that DIPboy is alive.

DIPboy *uptime*

Shows how long DIPboy has been alive.

DIPboy *servers*

Shows how many servers DIPboy is in.

DIPboy *exist*

Shows that DIPboy exists.

DIPboy *about*

Requests a short about message

DIPboy *changelog* **[here]**

What are all these versions for??? Add here to have me send the changelog in the channel you requested it from.

DIPboy *settings* **[user/server]**

Change settings. (yes you can turn off DIPboy's spam. Server settings can only be accessed by admin users)

DIPboy *help* **[here]**

Requests this help embed. Add here to have me send the help message in the channel you requested it from.

DIPboy *feedback* **feedback**

Tell the creator about bugs, potential features, or how much you hate DIPboy.

DIPboy *privacy*

Sends information on how DIPboy handles your data how to request data removal.

*Arguments with [brackets] are optional.* The `DIPboy privacy` command will guide you on how to request data removal. DIPboy might also respond to some (a lot of) memes as well. Don't worry, as this is not normal Discord bot behavior at all. Disable it in settings. (The google, reversegimage, and autocomplete commands are powered by Google. The weather and map commands are powered by Bing and OpenWeatherMap.)

Bot Status

DIPboy's current status is online
Last checked (2022-07-11 04:35:04 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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