Valid prefix examples
DIP test, <@319603147616157696> test, <@!319603147616157696> test, DIPboy test, DIPtest
DIPboy *timebomb*
Any message starting with this will self destruct in 5 seconds
DIPboy *echo*
I'll echo anything you say after that (and a space)
DIPboy *cleanecho*
Same as DIPecho except I only say the intended message and you need permission level 1 or above, hence the word "clean"
DIPboy *reversegimage* **image link**
Takes an image as an input and tells you what Google thinks it is.
DIPboy *weather* **query**
Uses Bing and OpenWeatherMap to give live weather data for any location on Earth.
DIPboy *map* **query**
Uses Bing Maps to show any location on Earth, with zoom features.
DIPboy *phonecode* **code**
Find out what country that telephone code is for.
DIPboy *calc* **expression**
Evaluate many mathematical expressions, set variables, and more. For example, 1 + 1
or sin(pi)`` or
x = 0and then
y @= x^2`
DIPboy *randompin*
See a random pin from this channel.
DIPboy *debug*
Pulls up diagnostics as well as permission level.
DIPboy *commands* **[user/server]**
See popularity of commands and which people use them.
DIPboy *test*
Shows that DIPboy is alive.
DIPboy *uptime*
Shows how long DIPboy has been alive.
DIPboy *servers*
Shows how many servers DIPboy is in.
DIPboy *exist*
Shows that DIPboy exists.
DIPboy *about*
Requests a short about message
DIPboy *changelog* **[here]**
What are all these versions for??? Add here to have me send the changelog in the channel you requested it from.
DIPboy *settings* **[user/server]**
Change settings. (yes you can turn off DIPboy's spam. Server settings can only be accessed by admin users)
DIPboy *help* **[here]**
Requests this help embed. Add here to have me send the help message in the channel you requested it from.
DIPboy *feedback* **feedback**
Tell the creator about bugs, potential features, or how much you hate DIPboy.
DIPboy *privacy*
Sends information on how DIPboy handles your data how to request data removal.