Apple Bot icon

Apple Bot icon

Apple Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 38 slash commands for Apple Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Apple Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Apple Bot avatar
Apple Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM
A simple bot

Showing all commands for this bot.















No Category


Additionally, you can use okhelp [command] for more info on the command.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Apple Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball question Need help with a question?
/ban Bans a member from your server and sends them a DM with the ban reason.
/case Looks up a case by it's ID
/casereason Looks up the reason for a moderation case
/cases Looks up all cases from the member specified.
/daily Gives you your daily Apple Bot Cash!
/gay Checks the gayness of someone.
/impersonate Impersonates a user using a webhook
/invite Sends you the invite for this bot!
/join Joins a VC to Play Music!
/kick Kicks a member from your server and sends them a DM with the kick reason.
/marriage Checks the marriage status of someone.
/members Searches all members with the role.
/minesweeper Plays a game of minesweeper!
/modcases Looks up all cases from the moderator specified.
/mute Mutes a member in your server by adding them the muterole.
/nowplaying Views the current playing song
/pay Pay someone Apple Bot Cash!
/ping Test if the bot is alive!
/play Plays a song or adds it to the song queue!
/presencesearch Searches all users in the server for a presence.
/prune prune the specified amount of messages from the specified member in the channel.
/purge Purges the specified amount of messages from the channel.
/queue Views the current song queue.
/rob Robs someone for their Apple Bot Cash!
/serverinfo Views information about the server
/skip Skips the currently playing song
/snipe Snipes the last deleted message of a certain channel.
/softban Softbans a member from your server (used to clear messages)
/tag create Creates a tag under the desired name.
/tag delete Deletes the tag under the provided name.
/tag info Views info about the tag under the provided name.
/tag view Views a tag under the provided name.
/unmute Unmutes a muted member from your server.
/userinfo Shows information about a certain user
/verify Verifies yourself in this server so you can chat
/warn Warns a member in your server by logging a case and DMing the user.
/work Works in order to get Apple Bot Cash!

More Information on Apple Bot

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