Astro icon

Astro icon

Astro Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Astro Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Astro when the help command is sent to a channel:
Astro avatar
Astro BOT today at 4:20 PM

Via this interface you'll be able to quickly get started using Astro!

Main Astro's Features
VC Generators (click for a guide)
Connections (click for a guide)

• Prefix for this server = <>
• Look up a specific command with <>help command_name
• Learn how to use Astro's commands in the fastest and most efficient way here.

Here is a full list of all Astro's commands:


- lock
- unlock
- hide
- show
- pushtotalk
- kick
- permit
- limit
- increaselimit
- decreaselimit

VC #2

- rename
- bitrate
- region
- vcinvite
- chat
- logs
- claim
- transfer
- lfg
- knock
- vcinfo


- help
- info
- ping
- shards
- invite
- support
- changelog
- vote
- variables

User profile

- profile
- votenotifications
- ownernotifications


- premium
- upgrade
- downgrade

> The following commands can only be used by users with the Manage Channels permission or the equivalent Commander Role.

Server settings

- config
- setup
- prefix
- commanderrole
- bypasscommandschat
- interface
- checkup
- serverstats
- ignoremissingpermissions


- generator
- generator list
- generator create
- generator delete
- generator edit
- generator edit state
- generator edit commandschat
- generator edit ownernotification
- generator edit commandssettings
- generator edit commandssettings allowedwords
- generator edit commandssettings badwords
- generator edit commandssettings bannedcommands
- generator edit commandssettings restrictedcommands
- generator edit commandssettings kickblacklistedroles
- generator edit commandssettings permitblacklistedroles
- generator edit commandssettings minuserlimit
- generator edit commandssettings maxuserlimit
- generator edit autocreation

Generator #2

- generator edit chatcategory
- generator edit chatname
- generator edit syncchatpermissions
- generator edit chatlogs
- generator edit ttslogs
- generator edit creationmessage
- generator edit initialstate
- generator edit name
- generator edit lockedname
- generator edit hiddenname
- generator edit category
- generator edit bitrate
- generator edit region
- generator edit userlimit
- generator edit position
- generator edit permissions
- generator edit everyonepermissions
- generator edit managechannel
- generator edit managepermissions


- connection
- connection list
- connection create
- connection delete
- connection edit
- connection edit channel
- connection edit role
- connection edit joinaction

Thank you for choosing Astro ;)
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Astro by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Astro

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