Athena icon

Athena icon

Athena Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 35 slash commands for Athena Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Athena when the help command is sent to a channel:
Athena avatar
Athena BOT today at 4:20 PM
General Information

Athena is a multi-purpose discord bot that aims serve almost every function of a discord bot can perform for free.

        There are lots of commands that you can interact with on Athena, you can see the list of all commands on our website.

[Our Website](
[Commands Page](
[Invite Athena](
[Support Server](
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Athena by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/ascii text Simple command to convert utf-8 formatted text to ascii format.
/avatar Shows the mentioned user's avatar.
/ban Bans the mentioned member.
/bassboost Command for applying bassboost effect to your song.
/cat Want to see some cute cats?
/clear Clears the specified amount of message from the command channel.
/coinflip Flip a coin and see the result.
/comment Make a comment on a video that no one knows.
/disconnect None
/dog Doggo
/help Command for getting basic information about Athena.
/hitler Worse than hitler meme.
/invite Sens the invite link of Athena.
/jail Jail!??
/join None
/jokeoverhead LOL what kind of joke is that
/kick Kicks the mentioned member.
/language Command for setting language.
/meme Want some sweet memes from reddit? Cause i do!
/mimic Someone said that nowaday bots can mimic users.
/nightcore Command for applying nightcore effect to your song.
/nowplaying Shows the currently playing song
/pause Command for pausing the song.
/ping Simple command to check wheter bot is alive or not.
/play Command for playing song from youtube.
/prefix Command for setting prefix.
/queue Command for showing current song queue.
/resume Command for resuming the song.
/rip -_-
/skip Command for skipping song queue.
/slowmode Sets slowmode on the command channel.
/trash Stinks
/trigger Someone looks angry.
/wanted -_-
/wasted -_-

More Information on Athena

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