Athena Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 35 slash commands for Athena Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/ascii text |
Simple command to convert utf-8 formatted text to ascii format. |
/avatar |
Shows the mentioned user's avatar. |
/ban |
Bans the mentioned member. |
/bassboost |
Command for applying bassboost effect to your song. |
/cat |
Want to see some cute cats? |
/clear |
Clears the specified amount of message from the command channel. |
/coinflip |
Flip a coin and see the result. |
/comment |
Make a comment on a video that no one knows. |
/disconnect |
None |
/dog |
Doggo |
/help |
Command for getting basic information about Athena. |
/hitler |
Worse than hitler meme. |
/invite |
Sens the invite link of Athena. |
/jail |
Jail!?? |
/join |
None |
/jokeoverhead |
LOL what kind of joke is that |
/kick |
Kicks the mentioned member. |
/language |
Command for setting language. |
/meme |
Want some sweet memes from reddit? Cause i do! |
/mimic |
Someone said that nowaday bots can mimic users. |
/nightcore |
Command for applying nightcore effect to your song. |
/nowplaying |
Shows the currently playing song |
/pause |
Command for pausing the song. |
/ping |
Simple command to check wheter bot is alive or not. |
/play |
Command for playing song from youtube. |
/prefix |
Command for setting prefix. |
/queue |
Command for showing current song queue. |
/resume |
Command for resuming the song. |
/rip |
-_- |
/skip |
Command for skipping song queue. |
/slowmode |
Sets slowmode on the command channel. |
/trash |
Stinks |
/trigger |
Someone looks angry. |
/wanted |
-_- |
/wasted |
-_- |
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