Backup Bot icon

Backup Bot icon

Backup Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 12 bot commands and 24 slash commands for Backup Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Backup Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Backup Bot avatar
Backup Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

<-> Help Command <->

db!help - The help command
db!backup - Backs up your server! [Whitelisted Users only (Or Server Owners)]
db!restore - Restores your backup! (Do not try unless you are testing or your server is nuked!) (This will recreate the channels, it wont delete them though, for example, if the bot were to not restore the channels and stuff, it would be bad!) [Whitelisted Users only (Or Server Owners)]
db!settings - Change the settings of Backup Bot! [Whitelisted Users only (Or Server Owners)]
db!backups - See your list of Backups! [Whitelisted Users only (Or Server Owners)] [DONORS]
db!premium - Shows the link to purchase Backup Bot Premium!
db!mygid - View your Guild ID!
db!server - Gives the invite to the Backup Bot server (Support Server)!
db!support - Gives the invite to the support server!
db!prefix - Responds with the prefix of the server!
db!lprem - Shows a list of servers (That you are in) that have premium and don't have Premium.
db!bug - Submit a bug report! (Any abuse of this command will get you blacklisted from the bot)
db!invite - Invite the bot!
db!menu - A reaction menu that can be used to use commands without typing them!

Want to support Backup Bot and gain more backups and more perks by supporting it? You can get those perks by typing db!premium and purchasing Premium!

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Backup Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
db!help -
db!backup -
db!restore -
db!settings -
db!backups -
db!premium -
db!server -
db!support -
db!prefix -
db!lprem -
db!bug -
db!menu -
Command Description
/aprem Give a server premium! (You must have premium to do this)
/backup Backs up your server!
/backups See the list of Backups available!
/bug Submit a bug report!
/dprem Remove premium from a server! (You must have given premium to do this)
/help View the list of commands available.
/invite Invite the bot!
/lprem Shows a list of servers (That you are in) that have premium and don't have Premium.
/menu A reaction menu that can be used to use commands without typing them!
/mygid View your Guild ID!
/ping View the bots latency!
/prefix Responds with the prefix of the server!
/premium Shows the link to purchase Backup Bot Premium!
/restore Restores a backup!
/server Gives the invite to the Backup Bot server (Support Server)!
/settings addwhitelist Adds the user to the whitelist!
/settings allowadmins Allows/Denies Administrators to have the same permissions as whitelisted users (Toggleable)
/settings allowdevs Allows/Denies devs to use Owner/Whitelisted User Permissions
/settings allowservers Toggles if other servers can use your backups using Backup Keys or not!
/settings delbackup Deletes your backup!
/settings delwhitelist Removes the user from the whitelist.
/settings list View the list of settings and their full description!
/settings prefix Changes the servers prefix!
/support Gives the invite to the support server!

More Information on Backup Bot

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