This message is shown by beepBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
beepBot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Help - Command List
Overview of 29 commands: Type *settings [name_of_command] to get detailed information and aliases on that specific command!
*help - List of all commands or information of a specific command. *ping - Returns the ping and heartbeat of the bot. *settings - Configure the bot individually for your server!
*ban - Bans a user from the server. Supports temp-bans and notifications. *clear - Deletes an amount of messages in this channel. *kick - Kicks a user from the server. Add -notify to notify the kicked user. *movemsg - Moves a message from someone or a conversation up to 25 messages to another channel. *mute - Mutes a user in chat and/or voice. Supports temp-bans and notifications. *unmute - Unmutes a user in chat and/or voice.
Info & User
*avatar - Displays your avatar or of the user you provided. *info - Get info about a user, the server and the bot. *servericon - Displays the icon of this server.
*coinflip - Flips a coin. *dice - Roll a dice with a custom limit. *empty - Posts a very long empty message. *lyrics - Searches for song lyrics on *poll - Reacts with thumbs up/down/idc to your command message. *reddit - Shows a random Reddit post from r/all or from the subreddit you provided. *urban - Searches for a definiton of your word in the Urban Dictionary! *weather - Shows the current weather of the provided city.
*achievement - Sends a Minecraft achievement image with your text. *f - Press F to pay respects. *magic8 - Answers even your toughest questions. *rps - Play rock paper scissors against the bot!