This message is shown by Bloxy Tools when the help command is sent to a channel:
Bloxy Tools BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Bloxy Tools
Roblox Commands
user - This command displays information about a Roblox user randomuser - This command displays a random user from Roblox! age - This command displays a more accurate representation of age on a Roblox user game - This displays information about a game, remember to choose a number between 1 and 5!
Misc commands
changeprefix - This command lets you change prefix for the guild as long as you got admin perms prefix - This command lets you know what prefix you have in your server language - Tells you what language this bot was made in! ping - pong invite - If you want to invite bloxy tools use this command! changelog - Show recent updates and fixes to the bot! credits - This displays the owner and creator of this bot.
v1.1.76 Alpha System |
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Bloxy Tools by visiting their support server or their website: