Celesta icon

Celesta icon

Celesta Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 43 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Celesta Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Celesta when the help command is sent to a channel:
Celesta avatar
Celesta BOT today at 4:20 PM

> Create Embed Messages = |create <#channel> <message> :Create embed messages and send into a specific channel. [ADMINISTRATOR]
> Moderation = |kick @mention / |kick <ID> (|kick @mention/<ID> <reason>) :Kicks a user from the server. [KICK_MEMBERS], |ban @mention / |ban <ID> (|ban @mention/<ID> <reason>) :Bans a user from the server. [BAN_MEMBERS], |unban <ID> :Unbans a user from the server. [BAN_MEMBERS], and |clear <number of message's> :Delete messages upto 100 per command. [MANAGE_MESSAGES]
> Slowmode = |slowmode <duration> :Restricts current channel message interval. [Enter numbers in seconds and maximum limit is 6 hours 21600 seconds] [MANAGE_MESSAGES]
> Ping = |ping :The user/application ping/pong.
> Search = |wikipedia <title> :Searches Wikipedia for something.
> Rules = |rule :Responds with a random rule.
> Create Messages = |say <messages> :Create messages by the Celesta. [MANAGE_MESSAGES]
> User Count = |userserver :Get the current server users with name.
> Fun = |meow... :Responds with a cat's animated emojis.
> Poll = |poll <message> :create simple poll. [MANAGE_MESSAGES]
> Welcome = |welcome @mention :Welcomes the user you tag or mention.
> Coin Flip = |coinflip :Flips a random coin (either heads or tails).
> Music = |play [title/url], |search [title], |skip, |stop, |pause, |loop, |resume, |nowplaying, |queue, and |volume <number> :Play high quality music.

Need help? Got questions, have any problems or want to request a new feature! Join the support server for assistance.

green_blue_arrow_left Emoji **DEVELOPER**

PREFIX: | bar/vertical bar or pipe. | SUPPORT SERVER | WEBSITE | INVITE

Celesta made with ❤ by GIANT PANDA#3894

Have any problem direct message : )

Celesta | Eclsco
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Celesta by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
|help -
|invite -
|avatar -
|createpoll -
|announcement -
|stats -
|fact -
|quote -
|servericon -
|userserver -
|wikipedia -
|rule -
|meme -
|joke -
|cat -
|dog -
|fox -
|duck -
|goose -
|shibe -
|panda -
|bird -
|koala -
|create -
|kick -
|ban -
|unban -
|clear -
|slowmode -
|ping -
|say -
|poll -
|welcome -
|coinflip -
|play -
|search -
|skip -
|stop -
|pause -
|resume -
|nowplaying -
|queue -
|loop -
Command Description

More Information on Celesta

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