Chizuru icon

Chizuru icon

Chizuru Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Chizuru Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Chizuru when the help command is sent to a channel:
Chizuru avatar
Chizuru BOT today at 4:20 PM

To check out a section or command use !help [section]
(Use lowercase letters)
If you want this to show up in your dms message me with help
⚙️ right before a command means it is restricted to administrators only

<> arguments are need to be given
[] arguments are optional

[Invite Me] [Support] [Vote here]
Do not actually include the [] & <> in the command

settings Emoji **Automation**

Automatically do things, like casting roles on join
18 Commands

🛡️ **Moderation**

Moderate your server and user!
5 Commands

🆙 **Leveling**

Reward members for chatting, with roles
7 Commands

⚙️ **Settings**

Bot settings to customize
2 Commands

🔧 **Utility**

Utility stuff and such
6 Commands

ZeroWow Emoji **__Enjoy some fun stuff with all of these sections__**

With these commands, you or your community can fill their freetime and get some anime shit going. I mean like, imagine knowing something about anime right? Haha.
Also can enjoy some 2D NSFW culture. Yes, culture Nice Emoji

profile Emoji **Profile**

Check out your own profile on Chizuru
9 Commands

gold Emoji **Gambling**

Waste your time with gambling on Chizuru
0 Commands

SaberHappy Emoji **Fun**

Fun things just to enjoy life
11 Commands

:Hehe: **Anime**

Anime and manga stuff
13 Commands

🎮 **Gametime**

Questions to ask yourself and your friends!
4 Commands

neko Emoji **NSFW**

NSFW Commands
9 Commands

MikuMusic Emoji **Automessages**

Automated images every 30 minutes into specified channel
9 Commands

settings Emoji **__Channel related features__**

To disable channel related features, execute the same command again. e. g. automationsmug <#channel>
It will unbound that function from the channel
(For welcome and quitmessages, use the toggle command)


If a channel is missing that had certain functions bound to it, the bot will not return anything. Also be sure to put the bot's roles over the level reward roles and give the bot KICK_MEMBERS, BAN_MEMBERS, MANAGE_MESSAGES, MUTE_MEMBERS, MANAGE_ROLES permission to flawlessly function.

Supportserver: | Made By Kogeki#2904
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Chizuru by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Chizuru

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