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Currently we have help message previews, 279 bot commands and 279 slash commands for Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by when the help command is sent to a channel:
Chuu avatar
Chuu BOT today at 4:20 PM
__**STARTING:**__ _Commands to get you started_

!help, !set, !unset, !update

__**NOW PLAYING:**__ _Commands related to your current playing song_

!np, !npspotify, !playing, !recent, !rymsearch, !yt

__**CHARTS:**__ _Collages about your musical preferences_

!aotd, !aoty, !artchart, !chart, !colour, !pride, !rainbow, !recentchart, !timealbums, !timeartist, !timetracks, !top

__**WHO KNOWS:**__ _Who knows a song/album/artist?_

!globalwhoknows, !gwkalbum, !gwktrack, !LOOΠΔ, !multiwhoknows, !uwkalbum, !uwktrack, !whoknows, !wkalbum, !wktrack

__**USER STATS:**__ _Stats about you_

!affinity, !album, !albumpace, !albums, !artist, !artistpace, !artistrank, !artists, !audio, !behind, !clock, !commands, !comparetracks, !countries, !daily, !decades, !favs, !findalbum, !findartist, !findtrack, !first, !firsttrack, !from, !languages, !last, !lasttrack, !matching, !milestone, !minutes, !obscurity, !overview, !pace, !plays, !popularity, !profile, !since, !songs, !summary, !taste, !tastealbum, !tasteartist, !tastetrack, !time, !toptracks, !track, !tracks, !week, !years

__**SERVER STATS:**__ _Stats about a specific server_

!guild, !listeners, !saotd, !saoty, !serveralbums, !serverartist, !servercountries, !serverdecades, !serverfavs, !serverfrom, !serverplays, !serversongs, !serverstats, !servertags, !servertracks, !serveryears

__**BOT STATS:**__ _Stats considering all the bot users_

!gaotd, !gaoty, !global, !globalalbum, !globalartist, !globalcommandslb, !globaldecades, !globalfavs, !globallisteners, !globalplays, !globaltrack, !globaltracks, !globalyears

__**CROWNS:**__ _Who has listened the most an artist_

!albumcrowns, !albumtracks, !crowns, !crownsalbumlb, !crownslb, !crownstracklb, !globalalbumcrowns, !globalcrowns, !globaltrackcrowns, !globaltrackcrownsartist, !stolen, !trackcrownsartist

__**UNIQUES:**__ _Commands about unique artists_

!globalalbumunique, !globaltrackunique, !globalunique, !unique, !uniquealbumlb, !uniquealbums, !uniquelb, !uniquesong, !uniquesongslb

__**INFO:**__ _Information about artists,albums..._

!albuminfo, !aliases, !artistinfo, !cover, !lyrics, !trackfeatures, !trackinfo

__**DISCOVERY:**__ _Discover or help others discover new music_

!albumdiscovered, !albumdiscoveryratio, !albumrecommendation, !discovered, !discoveryratio, !everynoise, !globalaffinity, !globalmatching, !globalrecommendation, !mytoprandoms, !random, !randomdetails, !rate, !recommendation, !releases, !toprandoms

__**BOT INFO:**__ _Information about the bot_

!botstats, !featured, !github, !invite, !link, !search, !support

__**LOVE:**__ _Using the love feature of last.fm_

!artistloved, !love, !loved, !unlove

__**ARTIST IMAGES:**__ _Personalize the artist images displayed on the bot_

!url, !vote

__**GENRES:**__ _Commands about genres/tags for artists/albums..._

!albumgenres, !artistgenres, !genre, !genreinfo, !multiplewhoknowsgenre, !multiwhois, !tags, !trackgenres, !whois, !whoknowsgenre

__**RYM:**__ _Testing command about a RYM integration, possibly broken_

!artistratings, !curve, !rating, !ratings, !rymc, !rymimport, !rymserver, !rymtop, !unrated

__**TRENDS:**__ _Weekly stats about server/global trends_

!albumbillboard, !artistbillboard, !billboard, !globalalbumbillboard, !globalartistbillboard, !globalbillboard

__**STREAKS:**__ _Tracking your combos_

!artistcombo, !botstreaks, !mycombos, !streak, !tagstreak

__**MUSIC:**__ _Play and scrobble music_

!clear, !end, !join, !jump, !loop, !meta, !pause, !play, !playnext, !queue, !radio, !resume, !shuffle, !sk, !skc, !skt, !voice, !vol

__**SERVER LEADERBOARDS:**__ _Server leaderboards_

!albumslb, !artistslb, !commandslb, !obscuritylb, !scrobbleslb, !songslb, !whoaudio, !whofirst, !wholast

__**CONFIGURATION:**__ _Personalize your bot usage_

!alias, !configuration, !disable, !disabled, !export, !import, !logo, !npmode, !prefix, !privacy, !reactions, !refresh, !scrobbling, !serverblock, !serverconfiguration, !serverreactions, !serverset, !timezone

__**MODERATION:**__ _Command for bot admins_

!albumyear, !aliasreview, !altalbumcover, !altcover, !banartisttag, !bantag, !botted, !coverlists, !mbidupdater, !randomdelete, !ratelimit, !reports, !review, !slashrefresh

__**SCROBBLING:**__ _Commands for scrobbling_


!help "command" for the explanation of one command. !help --all for the whole help message
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
/affinity Gets your affinity with a user or with the rest of the server
/album How many times you have heard an album!
/albuminfo Information about an album
/albumpace Like pace but for a given album and with more limited time windows
/albums Number of albums listened by an user
/aliases List all the aliases or corrections of one artist
/artist An image returning some information about an artist related to an user
/artistinfo Brief summary of an artist
/artistpace Like pace but for a given artists and with more limited time windows
/artistrank The rank on your artist in this server or in the bot
/artists Number of artists listened by an user
/audio Gets your audio features using Spotify data
/behind List of artists that you have less plays than the second user
/chart album Chart with albums
/chart aotd Like AOTY but for multiple years at the same time
/chart aoty Gets your top albums of the year queried
/chart artist Chart with artists
/chart color Your artists/albums which their cover is of a specific colour
/chart pride Chart with a LGTBQ pallete
/chart rainbow A artist/album chart shown by colors
/chart top Your all time top artists/albums!
/clock Displays your listening habits with a 24 hour format. You can also use the tz command for it to b...
/command-status disable Disables the command
/command-status enable Enables the command
/command-status toggle Toggles the command
/commands Your most used commands
/comparetracks Compare yourself with another user on one specific album
/configuration alias Let's you alias an artist to another
/configuration disabled A list of all the disabled commands in the server
/configuration export Export the list of the current users in a server
/configuration logo Adds a logo that will be displayed on some bot functionalities
/configuration prefix Sets the prefix that the bot will respond to
/configuration privacy The privacy affects how you will be shown to other people in other server. By default your name w...
/configuration reactions Sets reactions for your nps
/configuration refresh Use it when you change your lastfm profile pic so the bot updates its cached version
/configuration scrobbling Checks your scrobbling status within the bot
/configuration serverblock Lets server administrators to block/unblock one user from this server leaderboard
/configuration serverreactions Sets reactions for the whole server on your nps
/configuration serverset Manually sets the user that have registered in other servers. This should only be used in case yo...
/configuration timezone Sets your timezone so some time functionality of the bot can be more accurate
/countries Map representation of your scrobbled artists
/cover The image of an album
/crowns album-leaderboard List of users ordered by number of album crowns
/crowns albums Albums you are the top listener within a server
/crowns artist-leaderboard Users of a server ranked by crowns
/crowns artists List of artist you are the top listener within a server
/crowns global-albums Like your album crowns but considering all bot users instead of only a server
/crowns global-artists Like your crowns but considering all bot users instead of only a server
/crowns global-track-artist List of artist you are the top listener within a server
/crowns global-tracks Like your track crowns but considering all bot users instead of only a server
/crowns stolen List of crowns you would have if the other would concedes their crowns
/crowns track-artist List of artist you are the top listener within a server
/crowns track-leaderboard List of users ordered by number of track crowns
/crowns tracks List of tracks you are the top listener within a server
/decades Which decade are your albums from?
/discovery album-ratio Returns the ratio of new albums discovered in a timeframe
/discovery albumrecommendation Album Recommendations based on affinity and top listened genres
/discovery albums Returns a chart with albums discovered
/discovery artist-ratio Returns the ratio of new artist discovered in the provided timeframe
/discovery artists Returns a chart with artists discovered
/discovery everynoise List all of the genres supplied in or find one by name
/discovery globalaffinity Gets your affinity with the rest of the bot users that have opened up their privacy settings
/discovery globalmatching Like Matching but it will only evaluate users that have a opened up their privacy settings. Do th...
/discovery globalrecommendation Gets you a recommendation from bot users that have opened up their privacy settings
/discovery mytoprandoms The top rated random urls by yourself, this server or the bot
/discovery random Gets a random url that other users have added, or add one yourself
/discovery randomdetails Details of a random url
/discovery rate Rate a url of the random pool
/discovery recommendation Gets you an artist that you have never scrobbled!
/discovery releases List all of the genres supplied in or find one by name
/discovery toprandoms The top rated random urls by yourself, this server or the bot
/favs Your favourite tracks from an artist
/findalbum Search artist on your library by name
/findartist Search artist on your library by name
/findtrack Search tracks on your library by name
/fm Returns your last or current playing song
/from Your top artist that are from a specific country
/genres album-chart Searches Musicbrainz for albums that match the given tag (Should be coherent with the genre command)
/genres artist List all the tags of one artist
/genres artist-chart Searches Musicbrainz for artists that match the given tag (Should be coherent with the genre comm...
/genres genreinfo Information about a Genre
/genres multi-who-knows Returns a list of all the artist that match multiple tags
/genres multiwhois Returns a list of all artists that have a given tag
/genres song-chart Searches Musicbrainz for songs that match the given tag
/genres top Top genres from an user
/genres who-knows Who knows a given tag on the bot
/genres whois Returns a list of all artists that have a given tag
/global aotd Like AOTD but for the whole bot
/global aoty Like AOTY but for the whole bot
/global artist Like artist command but for all the users in the bot
/global commandslb People that have run the most commands in the bot
/global decades Which decade are the bot albums from?
/global favs Favourite tracks from an artist on the bot
/global listeners Artists ranked by listeners on all servers that this bot handles
/global plays Artists ranked by total plays on all servers that this bot handles
/global rank An overview of your global ranking of an artist
/global tracklist Plays on each track of the provided album by the whole bot
/global years Which year are the bot albums from?
/globalwhoknows Like who knows but for all bot users and keeping some privacy :flushed:
/gwkalbum Like who knows album but for all bot users and keeping some privacy
/gwktrack Like who knows song but for all bot users and keeping some privacy
/info featured Info about the artist that appears on the bot status
/info github Source code of the bot
/info invite Invite the bot to other servers!
/info link Link to a user's page
/info search Search commands by name
/info stats Stats about the bot internals
/info support Link to the discord server where you can contact the bot developers
/languages List of the languages you listen your music
/leaderboard albums Users of a server ranked by number of albums scrobbled
/leaderboard artists Users of a server ranked by number of artists scrobbled
/leaderboard commands People that have run the most commands in a server
/leaderboard obscurity Gets how *obscure* your scrobbled artist are in relation with all the rest of the users of the ...
/leaderboard scrobbles Users ordered by scrobbles
/leaderboard tracks Users of a server ranked by number of songs scrobbled
/leaderboard whofirst Who listened first to an artist on a server
/leaderboard wholast Who listened last to an artist on a server
/login Login your account
/loona LOONA
/love Loves a song on
/loved A list of all your loved songs
/lyrics Gets lyrics from a given song
/matching Users ordered by matching number of artists
/milestone Which track was your #x scrobble?
/moderation albumyear Submit an album and its release year so it can be seen in the aoty command
/moderation aliasreview Aliases review
/moderation altalbumcover List the alternate covers for an album
/moderation altcover Gives an alt cover for a nsfw cover
/moderation banartisttag Bans a tag from an artist in the bot system
/moderation bantag Bans a tag from the bot system
/moderation botted Flags users as a botted account
/moderation coverlists All albums that have covers
/moderation randomdelete Deletes a random url that you have posted
/moderation reports Report Review
/moderation review Image Review
/multiwhoknows Like whoknows but for a lot of artists at the same time
/music clear Clears the queue
/music end Stops and clears the music player
/music join Makes the bot join an specified voice channel
/music jump Advances on the current song
/music loop Set if the music should be repeated
/music meta Changes the metadata of the current playing track for scrobbling porpouses
/music pause Pauses the current track
/music play play
/music playnext Skips the current song and starts playing the new one
/music queue Queued songs on a voice session
/music radio Plays music using random songs from the random pool
/music resume Resumes the current track
/music shuffle Shuffles the queue
/music sk Skips the current track
/music skc Skips the current chapter
/music skt Skip the current song and plays the one at position x
/music voice Your now playing song on voice
/music vol Set the volume of the music player.
/np Returns your last or current playing song
/npmode add Adds only one np-modes
/npmode help Removes only one np-modes
/npmode list List the setted np-modes for an user
/npmode remove Removes only one np-modes
/npmode set Replaces all your np-modes with the ones provided
/npspotify Returns a link to your current song via Spotify
/obscurity Obscurity resume about an user
/overview Several stats
/pace Pace
/playing Returns lists of all people that are playing music right now
/plays Gets the amount of times an user has played an specific artist
/popularity Songs ordered by popularity
/profile Brief description of an user profile
/recent Returns your most recent songs played
/rym artistratings A list of albums rated of an artist in this server
/rym chart Image of top rated albums for a user|server|bot
/rym curve Your rym curve
/rym rating Album Ratings of users that were uploaded to RYM
/rym ratings Your RYM Ratings
/rym rymimport Load you rym rating into the bot. Read the help message for info about how to do it
/rym rymserver Top Ranked Albums according to all bot users
/rym rymtop Top Ranked Albums according to all bot users
/rym unrated List your top unrated rym albums
/rymsearch Searches in rateyourmusic inputted query or now playing album
/server albums Chart of a server most listened albums
/server aotd Like AOTD but for the whole server
/server aoty Like AOTY but for the whole server
/server artist Like artist command but for all the users in the server
/server artists Chart of a server most listened artist
/server decades Which decade are your albums from?
/server favs Your favourite tracks from an artist
/server listeners Artist ordered by listener
/server plays Artist plays on this server
/server songs Chart of a server most listened songs
/server stats Stats about this server
/server tags Top Tags within a server
/server tracks Plays on each track of the provided album by the whole server
/server years Which year are your albums from?
/server-config censor-covers Whether you want the bot to censor potentially nsfw album covers.
/server-config chart Set the mode for all charts of all users in this server. While this is set any user configuration...
/server-config color Set the color for all embed of all users in this server. While this is set any user configuration...
/server-config crowns A positive number that represent the minimum number of scrobbles for a crown to count
/server-config delete-message Whether you want the bot to delete the original message the user wrote.
/server-config disabled-warning Whether you want the bot to show a warning when you try to run a disabled command.
/server-config list List all the server configs
/server-config np-reactions Whether you want the bot to add reactions to nps in this server.
/server-config override-color Whether you want the server color to override the users colors or only use them when the user doe...
/server-config override-reactions Whether you want the server reactions to override the users reactions, add to the user added or o...
/server-config rest Set the mode for all charts of the remaining images of the users in this server. While this is se...
/server-config set-on-join Whether the bot should automatically set all known users when they join your server.
/server-config voice-announcement-channel If set, the bot will send to this channel when a new song is started, as opposed to using the cha...
/server-config voice-announcement-enabled Whether the bot should announce if it plays the next song or not
/server-config whoknows Set the mode for all who knows of all users in this server. While this is set any user configurat...
/since The number of scrobbles from a really flexible date
/songs Number of songs listened by an user
/starting help Command that helps to use all other commands!
/starting set Adds you to the system
/starting unset Removes a user completely from the bot system
/starting update Keeps you up to date
/streaks artistcombo List of the top streaks for a specific artist in the bot
/streaks botstreaks List of the top streaks in the bot
/streaks mycombos Check what are your longest streaks to date. Only combos with more than 20 plays are stored
/streaks streak Last playing streak
/streaks tagstreak Genre combo
/summary User scrobble summary
/taste Compare your musical taste with another user
/tastealbum Compare your top tracks of an album with another user
/tasteartist Compare your musical taste with another user
/tastetrack Compare your musical taste with another user
/time albums Albums ordered by listening time
/time artist Chart with time spent on artists
/time daily Return time spent listening in the last 24 hours
/time first First time you scrobbled an artist
/time firsttrack First time you scrobbled a song
/time last Last time you scrobbled an artist
/time lasttrack Last time you scrobbled a song
/time minutes Minutes listened last week
/time songs Tracks ordered by time spent
/time specific-artist Your time spent on an artist
/time week Weekly Description
/toptracks Top songs in the provided period
/track Your Plays on a given song
/trackfeatures Gets audio features of a specific song using Spotify data
/trackinfo Information about a track
/tracks Plays on each track of the provided album
/trends albumbillboard The most popular albums last week on this server
/trends artistbillboard The most popular artists last week on this server
/trends billboard The most popular tracks last week on this server
/trends globalalbumbillboard The most popular albums last week on the whole bot
/trends globalartistbillboard The most popular artists last week on the bot
/trends globalbillboard The most popular tracks last week on this server
/uniques album-leaderboard Unique album leaderboard in guild
/uniques albums Returns lists of all the unique albums you have scrobbled
/uniques artists Returns lists of all the unique artist you have scrobbled
/uniques artists-leaderboard Unique artist leaderboard in guild
/uniques global-albums Your unique albums considering all bot users
/uniques global-artists Your unique top considering all bot users
/uniques global-tracks Your unique songs considering all bot users
/uniques tracks Returns lists of all the unique songs you have scrobbled
/uniques tracks-leaderboard Unique songs leaderboard in guild
/unlove Unloves a song on
/url Changes artist image that is displayed on some bot functionalities
/user-config artist-threshold Changes the minimun number of plays required for an album to show on the artist command
/user-config chart Set the mode for all charts. Keep in mind that if a server has a set value that will be prioritiz...
/user-config chart-options Specify some chart options that will apply as default for all your charts. Right now only --plays...
/user-config image-notify Whether you will get notified or not when a submitted image gets accepted (true = notify, false =...
/user-config list List all the user configs
/user-config own-tags Setting this to true will mean that for the np command your own tags will be prioritized. (Need a...
/user-config private-lastfm Setting this to true will mean that your name will stay private and will not be shared wi...
/user-config private-update If you want others users to be able to update your account with a ping and the update command (tr...
/user-config rating-notify Whether you will get notified or not when a url you have submitted to the random command gets rat...
/user-config rest Set the mode for the rest of the commands. Keep in mind that if a server has a set value that wil...
/user-config scrobbling Setting this to false will mean that whatever you play with the bot on a voice channel won't scro...
/user-config show-botted Setting this to false will mean that you wont have to include --nobotted in the global commands t...
/user-config size Change the default chart size for chart command when you dont specify directly the size
/user-config whoknows Set the mode for all charts. Keep in mind that if a server has a set value that will be prioritiz...
/uwkalbum How many times the guild has heard an album!
/uwktrack Get the list of people that have played a specific song on this server
/vote Vote for an image. The top voted image will be displayed in the bot commands
/whoknows Users who know the given artist
/wkalbum How many times the guild has heard an album! (Using local database)
/wktrack Get the list of people that have played a specific song on this server
/years Which year are your albums from?
/yt Searches in Youtube inputted query or now playing song
Command Description
/affinity Gets your affinity with a user or with the rest of the server
/album How many times you have heard an album!
/albuminfo Information about an album
/albumpace Like pace but for a given album and with more limited time windows
/albums Number of albums listened by an user
/aliases List all the aliases or corrections of one artist
/artist An image returning some information about an artist related to an user
/artistinfo Brief summary of an artist
/artistpace Like pace but for a given artists and with more limited time windows
/artistrank The rank on your artist in this server or in the bot
/artists Number of artists listened by an user
/audio Gets your audio features using Spotify data
/behind List of artists that you have less plays than the second user
/chart album Chart with albums
/chart aotd Like AOTY but for multiple years at the same time
/chart aoty Gets your top albums of the year queried
/chart artist Chart with artists
/chart color Your artists/albums which their cover is of a specific colour
/chart pride Chart with a LGTBQ pallete
/chart rainbow A artist/album chart shown by colors
/chart top Your all time top artists/albums!
/clock Displays your listening habits with a 24 hour format. You can also use the tz command for it to b...
/command-status disable Disables the command
/command-status enable Enables the command
/command-status toggle Toggles the command
/commands Your most used commands
/comparetracks Compare yourself with another user on one specific album
/configuration alias Let's you alias an artist to another
/configuration disabled A list of all the disabled commands in the server
/configuration export Export the list of the current users in a server
/configuration logo Adds a logo that will be displayed on some bot functionalities
/configuration prefix Sets the prefix that the bot will respond to
/configuration privacy The privacy affects how you will be shown to other people in other server. By default your name w...
/configuration reactions Sets reactions for your nps
/configuration refresh Use it when you change your lastfm profile pic so the bot updates its cached version
/configuration scrobbling Checks your scrobbling status within the bot
/configuration serverblock Lets server administrators to block/unblock one user from this server leaderboard
/configuration serverreactions Sets reactions for the whole server on your nps
/configuration serverset Manually sets the user that have registered in other servers. This should only be used in case yo...
/configuration timezone Sets your timezone so some time functionality of the bot can be more accurate
/countries Map representation of your scrobbled artists
/cover The image of an album
/crowns album-leaderboard List of users ordered by number of album crowns
/crowns albums Albums you are the top listener within a server
/crowns artist-leaderboard Users of a server ranked by crowns
/crowns artists List of artist you are the top listener within a server
/crowns global-albums Like your album crowns but considering all bot users instead of only a server
/crowns global-artists Like your crowns but considering all bot users instead of only a server
/crowns global-track-artist List of artist you are the top listener within a server
/crowns global-tracks Like your track crowns but considering all bot users instead of only a server
/crowns stolen List of crowns you would have if the other would concedes their crowns
/crowns track-artist List of artist you are the top listener within a server
/crowns track-leaderboard List of users ordered by number of track crowns
/crowns tracks List of tracks you are the top listener within a server
/decades Which decade are your albums from?
/discovery album-ratio Returns the ratio of new albums discovered in a timeframe
/discovery albumrecommendation Album Recommendations based on affinity and top listened genres
/discovery albums Returns a chart with albums discovered
/discovery artist-ratio Returns the ratio of new artist discovered in the provided timeframe
/discovery artists Returns a chart with artists discovered
/discovery everynoise List all of the genres supplied in or find one by name
/discovery globalaffinity Gets your affinity with the rest of the bot users that have opened up their privacy settings
/discovery globalmatching Like Matching but it will only evaluate users that have a opened up their privacy settings. Do th...
/discovery globalrecommendation Gets you a recommendation from bot users that have opened up their privacy settings
/discovery mytoprandoms The top rated random urls by yourself, this server or the bot
/discovery random Gets a random url that other users have added, or add one yourself
/discovery randomdetails Details of a random url
/discovery rate Rate a url of the random pool
/discovery recommendation Gets you an artist that you have never scrobbled!
/discovery releases List all of the genres supplied in or find one by name
/discovery toprandoms The top rated random urls by yourself, this server or the bot
/favs Your favourite tracks from an artist
/findalbum Search artist on your library by name
/findartist Search artist on your library by name
/findtrack Search tracks on your library by name
/fm Returns your last or current playing song
/from Your top artist that are from a specific country
/genres album-chart Searches Musicbrainz for albums that match the given tag (Should be coherent with the genre command)
/genres artist List all the tags of one artist
/genres artist-chart Searches Musicbrainz for artists that match the given tag (Should be coherent with the genre comm...
/genres genreinfo Information about a Genre
/genres multi-who-knows Returns a list of all the artist that match multiple tags
/genres multiwhois Returns a list of all artists that have a given tag
/genres song-chart Searches Musicbrainz for songs that match the given tag
/genres top Top genres from an user
/genres who-knows Who knows a given tag on the bot
/genres whois Returns a list of all artists that have a given tag
/global aotd Like AOTD but for the whole bot
/global aoty Like AOTY but for the whole bot
/global artist Like artist command but for all the users in the bot
/global commandslb People that have run the most commands in the bot
/global decades Which decade are the bot albums from?
/global favs Favourite tracks from an artist on the bot
/global listeners Artists ranked by listeners on all servers that this bot handles
/global plays Artists ranked by total plays on all servers that this bot handles
/global rank An overview of your global ranking of an artist
/global tracklist Plays on each track of the provided album by the whole bot
/global years Which year are the bot albums from?
/globalwhoknows Like who knows but for all bot users and keeping some privacy :flushed:
/gwkalbum Like who knows album but for all bot users and keeping some privacy
/gwktrack Like who knows song but for all bot users and keeping some privacy
/info featured Info about the artist that appears on the bot status
/info github Source code of the bot
/info invite Invite the bot to other servers!
/info link Link to a user's page
/info search Search commands by name
/info stats Stats about the bot internals
/info support Link to the discord server where you can contact the bot developers
/languages List of the languages you listen your music
/leaderboard albums Users of a server ranked by number of albums scrobbled
/leaderboard artists Users of a server ranked by number of artists scrobbled
/leaderboard commands People that have run the most commands in a server
/leaderboard obscurity Gets how \*obscure\* your scrobbled artist are in relation with all the rest of the users of the ...
/leaderboard scrobbles Users ordered by scrobbles
/leaderboard tracks Users of a server ranked by number of songs scrobbled
/leaderboard whofirst Who listened first to an artist on a server
/leaderboard wholast Who listened last to an artist on a server
/login Login your account
/loona LOONA
/love Loves a song on
/loved A list of all your loved songs
/lyrics Gets lyrics from a given song
/matching Users ordered by matching number of artists
/milestone Which track was your #x scrobble?
/moderation albumyear Submit an album and its release year so it can be seen in the aoty command
/moderation aliasreview Aliases review
/moderation altalbumcover List the alternate covers for an album
/moderation altcover Gives an alt cover for a nsfw cover
/moderation banartisttag Bans a tag from an artist in the bot system
/moderation bantag Bans a tag from the bot system
/moderation botted Flags users as a botted account
/moderation coverlists All albums that have covers
/moderation randomdelete Deletes a random url that you have posted
/moderation reports Report Review
/moderation review Image Review
/multiwhoknows Like whoknows but for a lot of artists at the same time
/music clear Clears the queue
/music end Stops and clears the music player
/music join Makes the bot join an specified voice channel
/music jump Advances on the current song
/music loop Set if the music should be repeated
/music meta Changes the metadata of the current playing track for scrobbling porpouses
/music pause Pauses the current track
/music play play
/music playnext Skips the current song and starts playing the new one
/music queue Queued songs on a voice session
/music radio Plays music using random songs from the random pool
/music resume Resumes the current track
/music shuffle Shuffles the queue
/music sk Skips the current track
/music skc Skips the current chapter
/music skt Skip the current song and plays the one at position x
/music voice Your now playing song on voice
/music vol Set the volume of the music player.
/np Returns your last or current playing song
/npmode add Adds only one np-modes
/npmode help Removes only one np-modes
/npmode list List the setted np-modes for an user
/npmode remove Removes only one np-modes
/npmode set Replaces all your np-modes with the ones provided
/npspotify Returns a link to your current song via Spotify
/obscurity Obscurity resume about an user
/overview Several stats
/pace Pace
/playing Returns lists of all people that are playing music right now
/plays Gets the amount of times an user has played an specific artist
/popularity Songs ordered by popularity
/profile Brief description of an user profile
/recent Returns your most recent songs played
/rym artistratings A list of albums rated of an artist in this server
/rym chart Image of top rated albums for a user|server|bot
/rym curve Your rym curve
/rym rating Album Ratings of users that were uploaded to RYM
/rym ratings Your RYM Ratings
/rym rymimport Load you rym rating into the bot. Read the help message for info about how to do it
/rym rymserver Top Ranked Albums according to all bot users
/rym rymtop Top Ranked Albums according to all bot users
/rym unrated List your top unrated rym albums
/rymsearch Searches in rateyourmusic inputted query or now playing album
/server albums Chart of a server most listened albums
/server aotd Like AOTD but for the whole server
/server aoty Like AOTY but for the whole server
/server artist Like artist command but for all the users in the server
/server artists Chart of a server most listened artist
/server decades Which decade are your albums from?
/server favs Your favourite tracks from an artist
/server listeners Artist ordered by listener
/server plays Artist plays on this server
/server songs Chart of a server most listened songs
/server stats Stats about this server
/server tags Top Tags within a server
/server tracks Plays on each track of the provided album by the whole server
/server years Which year are your albums from?
/server-config censor-covers Whether you want the bot to censor potentially nsfw album covers.
/server-config chart Set the mode for all charts of all users in this server. While this is set any user configuration...
/server-config color Set the color for all embed of all users in this server. While this is set any user configuration...
/server-config crowns A positive number that represent the minimum number of scrobbles for a crown to count
/server-config delete-message Whether you want the bot to delete the original message the user wrote.
/server-config disabled-warning Whether you want the bot to show a warning when you try to run a disabled command.
/server-config list List all the server configs
/server-config np-reactions Whether you want the bot to add reactions to nps in this server.
/server-config override-color Whether you want the server color to override the users colors or only use them when the user doe...
/server-config override-reactions Whether you want the server reactions to override the users reactions, add to the user added or o...
/server-config rest Set the mode for all charts of the remaining images of the users in this server. While this is se...
/server-config set-on-join Whether the bot should automatically set all known users when they join your server.
/server-config voice-announcement-channel If set, the bot will send to this channel when a new song is started, as opposed to using the cha...
/server-config voice-announcement-enabled Whether the bot should announce if it plays the next song or not
/server-config whoknows Set the mode for all who knows of all users in this server. While this is set any user configurat...
/since The number of scrobbles from a really flexible date
/songs Number of songs listened by an user
/starting help Command that helps to use all other commands!
/starting set Adds you to the system
/starting unset Removes a user completely from the bot system
/starting update Keeps you up to date
/streaks artistcombo List of the top streaks for a specific artist in the bot
/streaks botstreaks List of the top streaks in the bot
/streaks mycombos Check what are your longest streaks to date. Only combos with more than 20 plays are stored
/streaks streak Last playing streak
/streaks tagstreak Genre combo
/summary User scrobble summary
/taste Compare your musical taste with another user
/tastealbum Compare your top tracks of an album with another user
/tasteartist Compare your musical taste with another user
/tastetrack Compare your musical taste with another user
/time albums Albums ordered by listening time
/time artist Chart with time spent on artists
/time daily Return time spent listening in the last 24 hours
/time first First time you scrobbled an artist
/time firsttrack First time you scrobbled a song
/time last Last time you scrobbled an artist
/time lasttrack Last time you scrobbled a song
/time minutes Minutes listened last week
/time songs Tracks ordered by time spent
/time specific-artist Your time spent on an artist
/time week Weekly Description
/toptracks Top songs in the provided period
/track Your Plays on a given song
/trackfeatures Gets audio features of a specific song using Spotify data
/trackinfo Information about a track
/tracks Plays on each track of the provided album
/trends albumbillboard The most popular albums last week on this server
/trends artistbillboard The most popular artists last week on this server
/trends billboard The most popular tracks last week on this server
/trends globalalbumbillboard The most popular albums last week on the whole bot
/trends globalartistbillboard The most popular artists last week on the bot
/trends globalbillboard The most popular tracks last week on this server
/uniques album-leaderboard Unique album leaderboard in guild
/uniques albums Returns lists of all the unique albums you have scrobbled
/uniques artists Returns lists of all the unique artist you have scrobbled
/uniques artists-leaderboard Unique artist leaderboard in guild
/uniques global-albums Your unique albums considering all bot users
/uniques global-artists Your unique top considering all bot users
/uniques global-tracks Your unique songs considering all bot users
/uniques tracks Returns lists of all the unique songs you have scrobbled
/uniques tracks-leaderboard Unique songs leaderboard in guild
/unlove Unloves a song on
/url Changes artist image that is displayed on some bot functionalities
/user-config artist-threshold Changes the minimun number of plays required for an album to show on the artist command
/user-config chart Set the mode for all charts. Keep in mind that if a server has a set value that will be prioritiz...
/user-config chart-options Specify some chart options that will apply as default for all your charts. Right now only --plays...
/user-config image-notify Whether you will get notified or not when a submitted image gets accepted (true = notify, false =...
/user-config list List all the user configs
/user-config own-tags Setting this to true will mean that for the np command your own tags will be prioritized. (Need a...
/user-config private-lastfm Setting this to true will mean that your name will stay private and will not be shared wi...
/user-config private-update If you want others users to be able to update your account with a ping and the update command (tr...
/user-config rating-notify Whether you will get notified or not when a url you have submitted to the random command gets rat...
/user-config rest Set the mode for the rest of the commands. Keep in mind that if a server has a set value that wil...
/user-config scrobbling Setting this to false will mean that whatever you play with the bot on a voice channel won't scro...
/user-config show-botted Setting this to false will mean that you wont have to include --nobotted in the global commands t...
/user-config size Change the default chart size for chart command when you dont specify directly the size
/user-config whoknows Set the mode for all charts. Keep in mind that if a server has a set value that will be prioritiz...
/uwkalbum How many times the guild has heard an album!
/uwktrack Get the list of people that have played a specific song on this server
/vote Vote for an image. The top voted image will be displayed in the bot commands
/whoknows Users who know the given artist
/wkalbum How many times the guild has heard an album! (Using local database)
/wktrack Get the list of people that have played a specific song on this server
/years Which year are your albums from?
/yt Searches in Youtube inputted query or now playing song

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