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Clamps Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 11 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Clamps Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Clamps when the help command is sent to a channel:
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Clamps BOT today at 4:20 PM

addonFetches a Classic WoW addon and uploads it to discord
Usage: .addon <addon name> Example: .addon deadly-boss-mods
inspectDisplays a characters full armor with enchants and other info
Usage: .inspect <char name> <server name>
Example: .inspect graymike herod
Note: This addon is required (type /gu in-game -> copy text to
searchSearches the Classic WoW database for an item
Usage: .search <item name> Example: .search ashkandi
serverCheck server status (online/offline/queue)
Usage: .server <server name> Example: .server old blanchy
gdkp (your input is deleted to keep gdkp channel clean)Store a record of GDKP payouts (raid arguments: mc, ony, bwl, zg, aq20, aq40, naxx)
Usage: .gdkp <raid> <gold payout> Example: .gdkp ony 500
clear (admin only) (deletes your input)Quickly delete messages
Usage: .clear <number of messages> Example: .clear 15
attendanceCompares every wow log and ranks your guild's top 60 attendees
The first-time query of a guild can take up to a minute
Usage: .attendance <guild> <server> Example: .attendance storm herod
bestparsePulls a players best parses from wow logs
Usage: .bestparse <player name> <server name> <number of logs> Example: .bestparse graymike herod 5
gparsePulls a guilds most recent parses from wow logs
Usage: .gparse <guild name> <server name> <number of logs>
Example: .gparse storm herod 10
newparsePulls a players most recent parses from wow logs
Usage: .newparse <player name> <server name> <number of logs>
Example: .newparse graymike herod 5

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Clamps by visiting their support server or their website:

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