ConfessionBot icon

ConfessionBot icon

ConfessionBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 11 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Confession Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by ConfessionBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
ConfessionBot avatar
ConfessionBot BOT today at 4:20 PM
ConfessionBot Help

Invite me to your own server!

DM me your anonymous messages to have them appear on the server!
Most commands are for admins only. Banning and shuffling is available to mods. Listing channels is available to everyone.
Using the unban or demote commands without a value will show a list of currently banned/promoted users.


Change the preferred language for the server (or yourself when in DMs). Text will be presented in your language if it is available.


Set a channel for confessions. Unset with cb!unset.


Like cb!set, but anon-ids are hidden, making it impossible to tell people apart or ban them.


Set a channel where moderators can approve or decline confessions before they're sent to a public channel.


Set a private channel that anyone on the server can confess to without seeing.


List all currently available channels on this server for confessions.


Ban any anon-id. Bans persist between shuffles, so keep note of their anon-id. Unban with cb!unban.


Resets all anon-ids to make it anonymous whenever someone is found out.


Change the bot prefix for this server. Undo with cb!unsetprefix


Allow images to be sent in anonymous messages. Enabled by default. Disable with cb!disableimage


Promote users in the server to allow them to shuffle anon-ids without being a mod. Demote with cb!demote

ConfessionBot v1.9 by Yiays#5930
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of ConfessionBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
cb!help -
cb!set -
cb!setuntraceable -
cb!unset -
cb!ban -
cb!unban -
cb!shuffle -
cb!setprefix -
cb!unsetprefix -
cb!enableimage -
cb!disableimage -
Command Description

More Information on ConfessionBot

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