Cordscrobbler icon

Cordscrobbler icon

Cordscrobbler Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Cordscrobbler Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Cordscrobbler when the help command is sent to a channel:
Cordscrobbler avatar
Cordscrobbler BOT today at 4:20 PM, I sent the help via DM :)

Cordscrobbler will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Cordscrobbler avatar
Cordscrobbler BOT today at 4:20 PM

What is this bot?

This bot scrobbles songs played by other bots on your Discord server to I will automatically scrobble if you are on the same audio channel as the bot, on any server that I'm added to.
To enable it for you, you'll need to send a message to me with -cords register and log in with your account.

Note that I will send messages to acknowledge scrobbles every song when someone requests another bot (such as Groovy) to play music. As this may bother some, I suggest creating a text channel just for bots.

Some bots require additional configuration. Please send -cords supportedbots for further help on this.


-cords account
it can also be called using -cords me, -cords preferences
• View your registration details and preferences.

-cords help
• Show user help.

-cords news <on|off>
• Toggle the option to receive news occasionally about Cordscrobbler updates and new features.

-cords privacy
it can also be called using -cords privacypolicy
• View the privacy policy of this bot.

-cords register
it can also be called using -cords login, -cords r
• Connect your account with this bot.

-cords scrobbling <on|off>
• Toggle the scrobbling for your account.

-cords supportedbots
it can also be called using -cords bots
• View supported bots and additional configuration help

-cords unregister
it can also be called using -cords deleteaccount, -cords cancelregistration
• Delete your account and clear your data.

I'm open source! Visit my GitHub project page on If you're facing any issues, you can report them on GitHub or on Cordscrobbler Discord server.

Cordscrobbler v2.2.0
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Cordscrobbler by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Cordscrobbler

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