CRYO Commands
Currently we have 74 bot commands and 37 slash commands for CRYO Discord bot.
Command | Description |
c?balance |
- |
c?deposit |
- |
c?withdraw |
- |
c?bank |
- |
c?give |
- |
c?gift |
- |
c?shop |
- |
c?buy |
- |
c?sell |
- |
c?inventory |
- |
c?use |
- |
c?fish |
- |
c?work |
- |
c?beg |
- |
c?search |
- |
c?rich |
- |
c?monthly |
- |
c?weekly |
- |
c?daily |
- |
c?kill |
- |
c?rps |
- |
c?say |
- |
c?youtube |
- |
c?clap |
- |
c?spoiler |
- |
c?unspoiler |
- |
c?chatbot |
- |
c?hack |
- |
c?meme |
- |
c?dankmeme |
- |
c?meirl |
- |
c?joke |
- |
c?dadjoke |
- |
c?about |
- |
c?ping |
- |
c?uptime |
- |
c?modernify |
- |
c?vote |
- |
c?kick |
- |
c?ban |
- |
c?changenick |
- |
c?addrole |
- |
c?removerole |
- |
c?warn |
- |
c?warns |
- |
c?delwarn |
- |
c?mute |
- |
c?unmute |
- |
c?clear |
- |
c?lock |
- |
c?unlock |
- |
c?lockdown |
- |
c?unlockdown |
- |
c?rr |
- |
c?set |
- |
c?help |
- |
c?app |
- |
c?disable |
- |
c?leveling |
- |
c?userinfo |
- |
c?pfp |
- |
c?snipe |
- |
c?rank |
- |
c?leaderboard |
- |
c?f |
- |
c?apply |
- |
c?accept |
- |
c?open |
- |
c?close |
- |
c?tag |
- |
c?tags |
- |
c?gstart |
- |
c?gend |
- |
c?greroll |
- |
Command | Description |
/about |
Shows info about the bot |
/app-accept |
Accept a member's application |
/app-close |
Open an application |
/app-open |
Open an application |
/app-reject |
Reject a member's application |
/apply |
Apply for an available application. Applications must be added by moderators first |
/avatar |
Sends a member's profile picture. Member is command author if not specified |
/ban |
Bans a member for the specified reason |
/char |
Get info about any character |
/clap |
Clap your message! Ex: 👏 This 👏 Bot 👏 is 👏 awesome! 👏 |
/dadjoke |
Sends a random joke from r/dadjokes |
/dankmeme |
Sends a random meme from r/dankmemes |
/emoji |
Get info about an emoji, custom or default |
/f |
Pay your respects to something/someone by reacting to a message |
/fakemsg |
Generate a fake Discord message! |
/gend |
Instantly end an ongoing giveaway. The giveaway ID is the giveaway message ID |
/get-emojis |
Get info about an emoji, custom or default |
/greroll |
Reroll an ended giveaway. The giveaway ID is the giveaway message ID |
/gstart |
Starts a giveaway with the specified time, winners and prize. Imagine entering your own giveaway... |
/help |
See all the commands of the bot, or from one category |
/joke |
Sends a random joke from r/jokes |
/kick |
Kicks a member for the specified reason |
/meirl |
Sends a random meme from r/meirl |
/meme |
Sends a random meme from a random subreddit |
/modernify |
Modernifies text. Ex: Hi! I'm Bob Green! Would become H1! 1'M B0B GRΞΞN! |
/ping |
Shows the bot's ping (latency) |
/prefix |
View the server's set prefix |
/set muterole |
Set the server's muted role |
/snipe |
Shows the last deleted message in the server. Might miss some messages |
/spoiler |
Makes every letter in your message into a spoiler! |
/tag-alias |
Add/remove a tag alias |
/tag-content |
Change a tag's content |
/tag-create |
Creates a tag. Multiline content and attachments are allowed. |
/tag-name |
Change a tag's name |
/unspoiler |
Removes the spoilers from a message! |
/warn |
Warns a user for the specified reason |
/youtube |
Generates a YouTube comment by the specified member |
14,900,000 Servers
11,200,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,850,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers