CRYO icon

CRYO icon

CRYO Commands

Currently we have 74 bot commands and 37 slash commands for CRYO Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

Sadly, we don't have any help message previews for CRYO, yet. Feel free to help us keeping the content up-to-date.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of CRYO by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
c?balance -
c?deposit -
c?withdraw -
c?bank -
c?give -
c?gift -
c?shop -
c?buy -
c?sell -
c?inventory -
c?use -
c?fish -
c?work -
c?beg -
c?search -
c?rich -
c?monthly -
c?weekly -
c?daily -
c?kill -
c?rps -
c?say -
c?youtube -
c?clap -
c?spoiler -
c?unspoiler -
c?chatbot -
c?hack -
c?meme -
c?dankmeme -
c?meirl -
c?joke -
c?dadjoke -
c?about -
c?ping -
c?uptime -
c?modernify -
c?vote -
c?kick -
c?ban -
c?changenick -
c?addrole -
c?removerole -
c?warn -
c?warns -
c?delwarn -
c?mute -
c?unmute -
c?clear -
c?lock -
c?unlock -
c?lockdown -
c?unlockdown -
c?rr -
c?set -
c?help -
c?app -
c?disable -
c?leveling -
c?userinfo -
c?pfp -
c?snipe -
c?rank -
c?leaderboard -
c?f -
c?apply -
c?accept -
c?open -
c?close -
c?tag -
c?tags -
c?gstart -
c?gend -
c?greroll -
Command Description
/about Shows info about the bot
/app-accept Accept a member's application
/app-close Open an application
/app-open Open an application
/app-reject Reject a member's application
/apply Apply for an available application. Applications must be added by moderators first
/avatar Sends a member's profile picture. Member is command author if not specified
/ban Bans a member for the specified reason
/char Get info about any character
/clap Clap your message! Ex: 👏 This 👏 Bot 👏 is 👏 awesome! 👏
/dadjoke Sends a random joke from r/dadjokes
/dankmeme Sends a random meme from r/dankmemes
/emoji Get info about an emoji, custom or default
/f Pay your respects to something/someone by reacting to a message
/fakemsg Generate a fake Discord message!
/gend Instantly end an ongoing giveaway. The giveaway ID is the giveaway message ID
/get-emojis Get info about an emoji, custom or default
/greroll Reroll an ended giveaway. The giveaway ID is the giveaway message ID
/gstart Starts a giveaway with the specified time, winners and prize. Imagine entering your own giveaway...
/help See all the commands of the bot, or from one category
/joke Sends a random joke from r/jokes
/kick Kicks a member for the specified reason
/meirl Sends a random meme from r/meirl
/meme Sends a random meme from a random subreddit
/modernify Modernifies text. Ex: Hi! I'm Bob Green! Would become H1! 1'M B0B GRΞΞN!
/ping Shows the bot's ping (latency)
/prefix View the server's set prefix
/set muterole Set the server's muted role
/snipe Shows the last deleted message in the server. Might miss some messages
/spoiler Makes every letter in your message into a spoiler!
/tag-alias Add/remove a tag alias
/tag-content Change a tag's content
/tag-create Creates a tag. Multiline content and attachments are allowed.
/tag-name Change a tag's name
/unspoiler Removes the spoilers from a message!
/warn Warns a user for the specified reason
/youtube Generates a YouTube comment by the specified member

More Information on CRYO

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