D&D Vault Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 9 bot commands and 32 slash commands for D&D Vault Discord bot.
command is triggered:
Command | Description |
!register |
- |
!config |
- |
!campaign |
- |
!poll |
- |
!roll |
- |
!list |
- |
!changes |
- |
!approve |
- |
!update |
- |
Command | Description |
/approve |
Approve a new/updated character within vault |
/campaign |
Update character to override dndbeyond's campaign name, this does NOT update dndbeyond's campaign |
/changes |
Display changes for an unapproved character update |
/config |
Show the configuration for your server |
/default |
Set your default character id to be used for events/missions with no campaign |
/event_attendance |
Report event attendance. |
/event_create |
Creates an event PROPOSAL that users can sign up for |
/event_edit |
Edits a pre-existing event using the event's ID |
/event_list |
list all future events (and events from the past few days) (PROPOSed and DEPLOYed) |
/event_list_deployed |
List all future DEPLOYED events |
/event_list_proposed |
List all future PROPOSED events |
/event_remove |
Removes a pre-existing event using the event's ID |
/event_show |
replace the posting for an event (for instance if it got deleted by accident) |
/event_signup |
Sign up a player to an event. |
/event_withdrawal |
Withdrawal a player from an event. |
/help |
Get help about D&D Vault Bot |
/insult |
Generate an Insult for Vicious Mockery! |
/list |
List YOUR registered characters within vault |
/list_all |
List all characters |
/list_campaign |
List all characters registered for a campaign |
/list_queued |
List all characters queued for approval |
/list_user |
List all characters by discord user |
/poll |
Create a Poll to get input from the server users |
/register |
Register a character in the vault from dndbeyond |
/register_manual |
Create a stub character if you don't have a character on dndbeyond |
/remove |
Remove a character (or pending update) from the vault, if username is passed, remove for that user |
/roll |
Rolls dice, using notation reference |
/roll_stats |
Rolls for D&D 5E stats. |
/show |
Show a user's character from the vault |
/timezone |
Set your timezone (required for interacting with events) |
/update |
Request an update a character from dndbeyond to the vault |
/update_manual |
Update a stub character, do not use spaces in any of the parameters except the campaign |
15,100,000 Servers
11,000,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,770,000 Servers
9,090,000 Servers