D&D Vault icon

D&D Vault icon

D&D Vault Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 9 bot commands and 32 slash commands for D&D Vault Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

D&D Vault will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
D&D Vault avatar
D&D Vault BOT today at 4:20 PM
Help for D&D Vault BOT

We recommend that you use our slash / commands instead of the old prefix commands (such as !help) now. Just start typing with a / and look for all the commands that are available to you in the bot. They are MUCH easier to use!

If you would like to see all commands available, they are on the github website here.

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of D&D Vault by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
!register -
!config -
!campaign -
!poll -
!roll -
!list -
!changes -
!approve -
!update -
Command Description
/approve Approve a new/updated character within vault
/campaign Update character to override dndbeyond's campaign name, this does NOT update dndbeyond's campaign
/changes Display changes for an unapproved character update
/config Show the configuration for your server
/default Set your default character id to be used for events/missions with no campaign
/event_attendance Report event attendance.
/event_create Creates an event PROPOSAL that users can sign up for
/event_edit Edits a pre-existing event using the event's ID
/event_list list all future events (and events from the past few days) (PROPOSed and DEPLOYed)
/event_list_deployed List all future DEPLOYED events
/event_list_proposed List all future PROPOSED events
/event_remove Removes a pre-existing event using the event's ID
/event_show replace the posting for an event (for instance if it got deleted by accident)
/event_signup Sign up a player to an event.
/event_withdrawal Withdrawal a player from an event.
/help Get help about D&D Vault Bot
/insult Generate an Insult for Vicious Mockery!
/list List YOUR registered characters within vault
/list_all List all characters
/list_campaign List all characters registered for a campaign
/list_queued List all characters queued for approval
/list_user List all characters by discord user
/poll Create a Poll to get input from the server users
/register Register a character in the vault from dndbeyond
/register_manual Create a stub character if you don't have a character on dndbeyond
/remove Remove a character (or pending update) from the vault, if username is passed, remove for that user
/roll Rolls dice, using notation reference
/roll_stats Rolls for D&D 5E stats.
/show Show a user's character from the vault
/timezone Set your timezone (required for interacting with events)
/update Request an update a character from dndbeyond to the vault
/update_manual Update a stub character, do not use spaces in any of the parameters except the campaign

More Information on D&D Vault

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