Dasu icon

Dasu icon

Dasu Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 13 slash commands for Dasu Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Dasu when the help command is sent to a channel:
Dasu avatar
Dasu BOT today at 4:20 PM
How to use Dasu!

I'm Dasu. I can create powerful giveaways for your server!

Support server | Invite me

Creating your first giveaway

Start the interactive wizard with /create.

You can then add your requirements and choose how your giveaway should run. After that, click the arrow Emoji reaction to start it!

Giveaway mangement

You can use the da list command to list all the giveaways you have done, including active ones.

/edit <Giveaway ID> edits a giveaway.
/roll <Giveaway ID> ends/rerolls an active/completed giveaway.


You can create auto updating leaderboards by specifying the channel. /leaderboard <type> [channel]. They will update every 5 minutes with the newest data. Delete the messages to remove them.

User information

You can view user information with da info [member].

Server management

Say you would like to reset statistics for your server, like message counts. Just use /server, and I will bring up an interactive menu where you can manage everything about your server's data.

Typing /logs will bring up the logs menu where you can choose channels to send specific events to.

Type `/` in the chat to see a full list of slash commands. Most commands are only available via slash commands.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Dasu by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/browse Browse global giveaways in other servers.
/create Start a new giveaway.
/drop Drop a prize instantly for everyone who meets the requirements!
/edit Edit an existing giveaway.
/enable premium Enable premium for this server
/help get to know the basics.
/info Get information about a user, or yourself.
/invite Invite Dasu to your server.
/leaderboard Show the top members.
/list List giveaways.
/logs Manage log channels and send events to specific channels.
/roll Pick new winners for a giveaway that ended, or end a giveaway early.
/server Manage server permissions, data, etc.

More Information on Dasu

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