Drunk Bartender icon

Drunk Bartender icon

Drunk Bartender

0 reviews | 1,990 servers
Default Prefix: b:
Command Description
b:order Gives you a menu to chose from
b:someone Selects a random user in the server to mention
b:slap Lets you slap mentioned user
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting Drunk Bartender to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Drunk Bartender avatar
Drunk Bartender BOT today at 4:20 PM
Commands List: Page 1 of 3

A list of commands for the bot.

== AI ==

markov [order:Number=2] [mode:word|char=word] [start:String]

Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: mkv
Permission: PUBLIC
Markov Chain test.

speak {text:String}

Aliases: say
Shortcuts: [None]
Permission: PUBLIC
Say things.


alias {command:String} {command2:String}

Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: [None]
Permission: PUBLIC
Create an alias for a command.


test {test:Number} [yeet:String]

Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: [None]
Permission: PUBLIC
Testing command.

== DRINKS ==


Aliases: refund
Shortcuts: cnl, rfd
Permission: PUBLIC
Cancel your order.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: drk
Permission: PUBLIC
Lists all the types of drinks.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: FeedBack
Permission: PUBLIC
Let's you give your opinion about your order || the bot.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: hehehehehe
Permission: PUBLIC
Orders a drink.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: odr
Permission: PUBLIC
Orders a drink.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: sts
Permission: PUBLIC
Get the status of your order.


account [user:USER]

Aliases: money, balance
Shortcuts: bal, acc
Permission: PUBLIC
Gets your account info.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: crm
Permission: PUBLIC
Rob some stuff to get some money.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: [None]
Permission: PUBLIC
Daily credits


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: flx
Permission: PUBLIC
Flex your cash.

inventory [page:Number=1] [user:USER]

Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: inv, i
Permission: PUBLIC
Check your, or someone's inventory.

shop [page:Number=1]

Aliases: store
Shortcuts: shp
Permission: PUBLIC
Opens the shop.

tip [order:ORDER]

Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: tips
Permission: PUBLIC
Tip the last order you got!.


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: wrk
Permission: PUBLIC
Work to earn some cash.

== FUN ==


Aliases: [None]
Shortcuts: puppy, dog, dogs
Permission: PUBLIC
See cute doggies

Bot Status

Drunk Bartender's current status is online
Last checked (2024-07-12 00:40:03 UTC)
The bot was online (2024-01-02 16:10:03 UTC).

Usage Statistics


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