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Dungeon Master icon

Dungeon Master Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 10 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Dungeon Master Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Dungeon Master when the help command is sent to a channel:
Dungeon Guide avatar
Dungeon Guide BOT today at 4:20 PM
Dungeon Master Help

Dungeon master is the best bot for your D&D SRD Needs. Embeds feature pages to keep data concise and easy to read.

`>races [args]`

Use this command to get info about D&D race, if args is included it will give info about that race otherwise it will list all races.
Aliases: >race, >races, >r
eg: >races dragonborn

`>class [args] [levels]`

Use this command to get info about D&D class, if args is included it will give info about that class otherwise it will list all class.If levels is appended to the end it will give info about each level.
Aliases: {prefix}class,{prefix}races, {prefix}c
eg: {prefix}class bard levels or {prefix}class rogue

`>spells [args]`

Use this command to get info about D&D spell, if args is included it will give info about that spell otherwise it will list all races.
Aliases: >spell, >spells, >s
eg:>spells fireball

`>equipment [args]`

You can use this equipment to search through all items, this includes, tools, adventuring gear, armor, weapons etc. If no args are given it will list all items (sorted by category)
Aliases: >e
eg: >equipment abacus

`>armor [args]`

This command works the same as the equipment command but only returns and lists armor.
Aliases: >a, >armor

`>weapons [args]`

This command works the same as the equipment command but only returns and lists armor.
Aliases: >w, >weapon

`>monster [args]`

Use this command to get info about a monster or creature, if args is included it will give info about that creature otherwise it will list all creatures.
Aliases: >monster, >mo, >m
eg: >monster aboleth

`search [args]`

This comamnd can be used to search any item included in the above commands. It will return the first best match for optimal results you can narrow down your search by using the related command.
eg:>search fireball


The creme de la creme of this bots commands, this command will walk you through the steps and generate a prefilled editable character sheet. Currently this is only for level 1 characters but planning is in place for a more advanced version.
Aliases: >sheet, >cs

Number of guilds


Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Dungeon Master by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
>character -
>races -
>class -
>spells -
>equipment -
>armor -
>weapon -
>monster -
>search -
>setprefix -
Command Description

More Information on Dungeon Master

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