Ξ X 0 icon

Ξ X 0 icon

Ξ X 0 Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 70 bot commands and 54 slash commands for Ξ X 0 Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Ξ X 0 when the help command is sent to a channel:
Ξ X 0 avatar
Ξ X 0 BOT today at 4:20 PM
Ξ X 0 Command List
🚔 **Moderation**

e.help moderation

:tools: **Utility**

e.help utility

😄 **Fun**

e.help fun

🔢 **Math**

e.help math

😂 **Meme**

e.help memes

🐶 **Animal**

e.help animals

📰 **News**

e.help news

⚙️ **Settings**

e.help settings


e.help support


e.help other

EXO Team © 2021.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Ξ X 0 by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
e.ban -
e.kick -
e.warn -
e.warns -
e.userinfo -
e.addrole -
e.removerole -
e.channelinfo -
e.roleinfo -
e.softban -
e.banlist -
e.clear -
e.avatar -
e.ping -
e.snipe -
e.createchannel -
e.createvoice -
e.createcategory -
e.serverinfo -
e.discordstatus -
e.info -
e.help -
e.roles -
e.greentext -
e.redtext -
e.yellowtext -
e.orangetext -
e.bluetext -
e.hack -
e.howocool -
e.coinflip -
e.say -
e.spoiler -
e.showerthoughts -
e.add -
e.sub -
e.multi -
e.div -
e.sqrt -
e.meme -
e.dankmeme -
e.discordmeme -
e.wholesomememe -
e.animememe -
e.wholesomeanime -
e.cleanmeme -
e.facepalm -
e.perfecttiming -
e.aww -
e.dog -
e.cat -
e.bird -
e.hamster -
e.snake -
e.panda -
e.redpanda -
e.fox -
e.koala -
e.politics -
e.news -
e.worldnews -
e.coronavirus -
e.settings -
e.invite -
e.vote -
e.website -
e.support -
e.stoplight -
e.hi -
e.randomcolor -
Command Description
/add Adds the 2 numbers that you provide
/animememe Displays a random anime meme
/aww Displays a cute image of an animal
/bird Displays an image of a bird
/cat Displays an image of a cat
/changeprefix Changes the prefix for your server
/cleanmeme Displays a random clean meme
/clear Deletes messages in bulk. Default is 5 messages if amount is not specified.
/coronavirus Displays the latest Covid-19 news
/dankmeme Displays a random dank meme
/discordmeme Displays a random Discord meme
/discordstatus Displays the status of all the Discord systems and components
/divide Divides the 2 numbers that you provide
/dog Displays an image of a dog
/facepalm Displays a random face palm moment
/fox Displays an image of a fox
/getstarted Explains how to get started with EXO
/hack "Hacks" a member. Displays lots of "useful" information
/hamster Displays an image of a hamster
/help animals Displays all the animal commands
/help fun Displays all the fun commands
/help math Displays all the math commands
/help memes Displays all the meme commands
/help moderation Displays all the moderation commands
/help news Displays all the news commands
/help other Displays all the other commands
/help settings Displays all the settings commands
/help support Displays all the support commands
/help utility Displays all the utility commands
/howcool Sends a message telling you how cool you or a member is
/info Displays info about Ξ X 0
/invite Displays the Ξ X 0 invite link
/koala Displays an image of a koala
/meme Displays a random meme
/multiply Multiplies the 2 numbers that you provide
/news Displays the latest U.S. news
/panda Displays an image of a panda
/perfecttiming Displays a random perfect timing moment
/ping No Description.
/politics Displays the latest political news
/prefix No Description.
/redpanda Displays an image of a red panda
/say Ξ X 0 sends the message that you specify
/servers Displays the total amount of servers Ξ X 0 has
/showerthought Displays a random showerthought
/snake Displays an image of a snake
/snipe Displays the last deleted message in a channel
/sqrt Square Roots the number that you provide
/sub Subtracts the 2 numbers that you provide
/support Displays the support server invite link
/users Displays the total amount of users Ξ X 0 has
/wholesomeanime Displays a random wholesome anime meme
/wholesomememe Displays a random wholesome meme
/worldnews Displays the latest world news

More Information on Ξ X 0

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