%exportchannel [get|set] {name}
Can get or set the export channel, which the bot will automatically pull new exports from.
%loadexport {link}
Loads the newest export in the set export channel. If link is provided, load export from specified link instead.
%player [name]
Retrieve basic player data of specified player.
%stats {career|season} {average|total|advanced} [name] {season} {playoffs}
Retrieve specified stats of specified player.
%ratings [name] {season}
Retrieve ratings of specified player in specified season.
%compare [name 1], [name 2]
Compare two players' ratings from any two points in time.
%progressions [name]
Retrieve the entire ratings history of specified player.
%awards [name]
Retrieve all awards of specified player.
%top [rating] {page}
Retrieve top players in specified rating.
%freeagents {ovr|pot|tot|phys|stat} {page}
Retrieve current free agents, sorted based on your choice.
%draft [year] {ovr|pot|tot|phys|stat} {page}
Retrieve the draft prospects of specified draft class, sorted based on your choice.
%hof [year]
Retrieve the players who entered the Hall of Fame in the specified year.
%deaths {year}
Retrieve players that died during specified year.
%team [name] {season}
Retrieve basic team information. If an year is specified, retrieve team information for that year.
%roster [name] {season}
Retrieve roster of team. If an year is specified, retrieve roster for that year.
%finances [name]
Retrieve the finances data of specified team.
%picks [name]
Retrieve the team's currently owned picks. Alias for %search pick owner=[name].
%sos [name]
Retrieve Strength-of-Schedule data for specified team.
%matchup [team 1] [team 2]
Retreive available matchup data between the two specified teams.
%powerrank {year} {full|all}
Retrieve power rankings of specified year.
%allstarweekend [setup|run] [threepoint|dunkcontest] {remove|add|check|clear}
Set up, run, or modify the participates of an All-Star Weekend contest.
%search [game|pick] [query]
Search for specified object based on specified query.
%runfa [setup|run|upload] {name}
Run the algo and do FA.
%runpo [name]
Use the algo to see if a player accepts their PO or not.
Retrieve newest update changelog.