Farm Sim Game Bot icon

Farm Sim Game Bot icon

Farm Sim Game Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Farm Sim Game Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Farm Sim Game Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Farm Sim Game Bot avatar
Farm Sim Game Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Hello! I am a 🤖 for

The bot's prefix is: +
Command Parameters: <> is strict & [] is optional

Farm Sim Game Bot Commands


+echo : Sends message from bot to channel!
+hello : No description provided.
+issue : Sends Issue Report to Farm Sim Game Discord Server!
+say : Sends message from bot to channel in embed!

**FS Dedi**

+online : Displays Dedicated Server Online Players information from!
+server : Displays Dedicated Server information from!
+verify : FS19 Dedicated Server Player Verification System!


+botinfo : Displays information about the bot.
+leaderboard : Displays leaderboard for <ranks/xp> or <invites> or <mi>.
+rank : Displays your current rank!
+serverinfo : Displays information about the server that said message was run in.
+userinfo : Displays information about a provided user or the message author.


+ticket : Create a new ticket with staff.


+admin : Admin only command to manage bot settings on server.
+apply : Bot will dm user based on the type of application requested.
+help : Displays all the commands in the bot
+invite : Bot will reply with an invite link that can have a custom invite keyword that can be tracked via invite manager. FYI, only one invite can be created per channel.
+ping : This provides the ping of the bot
+prune : Removes a given amount of previous messages from the current channel!
+uptime : This provides the current uptime of the bot.


+ban : Ban a user for doing something they should not have been doing.
+kick : Kick a user for doing something they should not have been doing.
+mute : Mute a user when they need silenced on the server.
+removewarn : Remove a warning from system.
+unban : UnBan a user that was banned previously.
+unmute : UnMute a user when they no longer need silanced on the server.
+warn : Warn a user for doing something they should not have been doing.
+warns : Display warnings, mutes, and bans on the server or per user.

More Info

To get more information about a specific command use +help <command>

How do I add Farm Sim Game Bot to my Discord?

1 - Got to
2 - Login with your Discord account.
3 - Select Discord Bot at the top of the page.
4 - Click on your Discord server's icon.
5 - Allow Discord to add bot to your server
6 - enjoy!

Farm Sim Game Discord

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Farm Sim Game Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Farm Sim Game Bot

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