Filo icon

Filo icon

Filo Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 3 bot commands and 5 slash commands for Filo Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Filo when the help command is sent to a channel:
Filo avatar
Filo BOT today at 4:20 PM
Full list of Filo's commands

My prefix in My Server is f!.

Administration (8)

addrole clear nickname nsfw pin removerole slowmode unpin

Animals (8)

bear bird cat dog koala panda snake wolf

Anime (21)

anime animeavatar blushingneko coffee fanart food foxgirl gecg ghoul husband jojo loli lolineko manga neko owoify trap waifu waifuneko nekogif titan

Core (19)

bugs config deletedcommand donate help info invite privacy shard stats status suggest support terms twitter vote votes web wiki

Fun (6)

chucknorris drake floor joke love meme

Economy (3)

credits daily pay

Game statistics (5)

csgo fortnite osu pubg r6

Interaction (15)

baka bite cookie cuddle feed hug kickbutt kiss laugh pat poke punch reversecard slap tickle

Games (5)

8ball coinflip fish minesweeper slots

Minecraft (10)

mcbanner mcbody mcbust mcface mcfront mcfrontbody mchead mcserver mcskin mcuuid

Miscellaneous (18)

ascii avatar binary color esay expand fortnitestore giphy lyrics morse ping poll r6status randomnumber randomuser say shorten weather

Moderation (12)

ban case history kick mute softban tempban tempmute unban unmute unwarn warn

Reaction (21)

angry blush bored cold confused cry dance eyebrows greet happy hot like pout run scared sick sing sleep smug teehee think

Server (8)

activity channel lang news report role server serverinvite

Social (3)

profile rep reps

Temporary commands (1)


NSFW (23)

You must be on an NSFW channel to see these commands.

filoLanguage Emoji __**This server does not speak en?**__

If so, you can change the language of Filo using the command f!config language set <Lang>.
You can get a complete list of Filo supported languages here or using the f!language list command.

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Filo by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
f!activity -
f!config -
f!help -
Command Description
/donate Shows information on how to donate to Filo
/help Shows information about Filo commands
/info Shows information about Filo
/invite Shows information about how to invite Filo
/support Show information about how to get support

More Information on Filo

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