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Fire Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 102 slash commands for Fire Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Fire when the help command is sent to a channel:
Fire avatar
Fire BOT today at 4:20 PM

adminonly, anti, autoquote, blacklist, command, description, filterexclude, joinmsg, language, leavemsg, linkfilter, logging, logignore, modonly, public


color, deepfry, 8ball, google, lyrics, makeameme, meme, skin, tictactoe, trans


discover, help, invite, oss, ping, prefix, stats, status, support


addmod, autodecancer, autodehoist, autorole, badname, ban, block, clearwarnings, derank, kick, lockdown, modlogs, mute, muterole, purge, slowmode, unban, unblock, unmute, warn, warnings


addrank, delrank, inviterole, premium, rank, redirect, reactionrole, rolepersist, vcrole


starboard channel, starboard emoji, starboard minimum, starboard


tag alias, tag create, tag delete, tag edit, tag info, tag raw, tag slash, tag


add, ticket alert, ticket category, close, ticket description, ticket limit, ticket name, new, remove, ticket


avatar, carbon, debug, delremind, dstatus, embed, emojilock, guild, icon, levelhead, mcstatus, mcuuid, mod, permroles, quote, remind, reminders, snowflake, user, vanityurl


Fire uses libraries/services made by Ravy & The Aero Team including

Use "@Fire help <command>" for more info about the command | Cluster ID: 1
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Fire by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question
/add Add a user to the current ticket
/addmod Add a member/role as a moderator. Run the command again to remove.
/addrank Add a role that users can join through the rank command.
/adminonly Set channels to restrict commands for admins
/anti Remove messages containing certain content e.g. @everyone or zero width spaces
/autodecancer Toggle renaming those with "cancerous" (non-ascii) names
/autodehoist Toggle renaming those with hoisted names
/autoquote Enable automatic quoting when a message URL is sent
/autorole Automatically add a role to a user/bot when they join/send their first message
/avatar Get a user's avatar
/badname Change the name used for auto dehoist/decancer
/ban Ban a user from the server. Use the --days flag to delete message history
/block Block a user or role from chatting in the current channel
/carbon Create and share beautiful images of your code.
/clearwarnings Clear warnings, either by user or by case id
/close Closes a ticket, uploads the transcript to action logs channel and sends to the ticket author
/color Get information about a color
/command Enable/disable a command in your server
/debug Command not working? Use this command to try debug the issue
/deepfry Deepfry an image or your avatar (your avatar is used if no argument is provided)
/delrank Remove a rank from the list of joinable roles.
/delremind Delete a reminder using the index from the reminders command
/derank Remove all roles from a user
/description Set the description for the server that shows in Vanity URLs
/discover Links to Fire's public servers page
/dstatus Get Discord's current status
/embed Send a custom embed to a channel with a haste link containing an embed
/emojilock Lock an emoji to specific roles
/filterexclude Exclude a member/role/channel from link filtering
/google Speak to the Google Assistant
/guild Get a general overview of the server
/help Lists all of Fire's commands and provides information about them
/icon Get the server's icon
/invite Sends a link to invite me to a different Discord server.
/inviterole Automatically add a role to a user when they join with a specific invite
/joinmsg Set the join message and a channel to send it in
/kick Kick a user from the server
/language Set the language Fire uses. You can add/improve languages on the GitHub repo,
/leavemsg Set the leave message and a channel to send it in
/levelhead Get a player's levelhead info
/linkfilter Enable different link filters. Run the command without arguments to see all available filters
/lockdown Lock all channels in the server, useful for stopping raids
/logging Set the channel(s) for logging
/logignore Ignore specific channels from logs
/lyrics Get the lyrics for a song. (For best results, use the format "artist_name song_title")
/makeameme Make your own meme using the "top text bottom text" format
/mcstatus Check the status of Minecraft services
/mcuuid Get a player's Minecraft UUID
/meme Get a random meme
/mod Get information about a Sk1er LLC mod
/modlogs View moderation logs for a user
/modonly Set channels to restrict commands for moderators
/mute Mute a user either until manually unmuted or for a time (e.g. 1 hour)
/muterole Change the role used to mute members
/new Makes a new ticket
/oss Sends my GitHub repo link
/permroles Copy the permissions of a role from the current channel and automatically apply it to all channels
/ping Shows you my ping to discord's servers
/plonk Make a user unable to use the best discord bot in your server
/prefix Set the prefix used to trigger Fire's command
/premium Toggle Fire Premium in the current server (temporary command for beta testers)
/public Set your server to public allowing it to be visible on Fire's Public Servers page
/purge Bulk delete messages with optional flags to selectively delete messages based on certain factors
/rank List all available ranks and join a rank if provided
/reactionrole Setup roles users will receive when reacting to a message with a specific emoji
/redirect Create a redirect to any website using, e.g.
/remind Ask me to remind you something and I'll remind you, provided Discord isn't dying
/reminders List all reminders you have set
/remove Remove a user from the current ticket
/rolepersist Add a role(s) that will stay with the user, even if they leave and rejoin.
/slowmode Set the slowmode for a channel or category. Use the slowmodeall alias to set it for all channels
/snowflake Get information about a Discord snowflake
/starboard channel Set the channel starred messages will be sent to
/starboard emoji Set a custom starboard emoji (Requires Premium)
/starboard minimum Set the minimum amount of stars needed to get on the starboard (Defaults to 5)
/stats View cluster & overall stats.
/status Get Fire's current status
/steal Steal an emote to use in your own server
/support Get a link to Fire's support server
/tag alias Create an alias for a tag
/tag create Create a new tag
/tag delete Delete a tag
/tag edit Edit the content of a tag
/tag info View info about a tag such as who created it and how many times it's been used
/tag raw View the raw content of a tag
/tag slash Toggle the ability to use slash commands for tags or the visibilty of slash command tags
/ticket alert Set a role that will be "alerted" when a new ticket is opened
/ticket category Set the category where tickets are made and enable tickets
/ticket description Set the description of the ticket opener embed
/ticket limit Limit the number of tickets a user can make
/ticket name Set the name for tickets. There are many variables available for use in the name
/tictactoe Play tic tac toe against server members
/trans Generate a trans pride avatar
/unban Unban a user from the server
/unblock Unblock a user or role and allow them to chat in this channel
/unmute Unmute a user
/user Get a general overview of a user.
/vanityurl Creates a vanity invite for your Discord using
/vcrole Automatically assign a role to a user when they join a voice channel
/warn Warn a user
/warnings View warnings for a user

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