Here are the commands for Gabriel. For more info on a command do help (command name)
help (command name)
Makes a SpONGeBoB MoCkIng style message.
Generates an image of god saying something.
Generates a gradient with text.
Random Kanye West quote
Makes an image of my friend Kyle saying something.
Makes an image of my friend Ruby saying something.
Generates an image of the scroll of truth.
Looks up a term on urban dictionary
Command that lists bot stats.
Gets information about an anime from myanimelist.
Lists every command.
Sends an invite to add Gabriel.js to your own server.
Tests the bot's reaction time.
Sets the bot's prefix. (only the server owner can use this command)
Gets server information.
15,000,000 Servers
11,300,000 Servers
9,920,000 Servers
9,900,000 Servers
8,990,000 Servers