- The prefix ^ must be used at the beginning of any bot command *
General Commands
echo <message>- have the bot repeat a phrase
help <command*> - The help command, with an optional command specific help argument
ping - responds with 'pong'
rng <sides> - rolls an n sided die, default is 6'
stats <username*> - gives you stats on a given user. Default is yourself
version - links the bot's source code
vote - gives you a daily $5 for voting on the bot
Utility Commands
subjects - lists all valid mentor subjects
mentor <mentor-command*> - a prefix for all the mentor commands; for more details: ^help mentor
Game Commands
bank - tells you how much you have in your bank
game list - lists the currently supported games
give <user> <amount> - gives the specified user the specified amount of credit from your account
new game <game> <buy-in*> - creates a new open game of the game specified (chosen from the game list)
open games - lists all open games
join <@host> - lets you join a game with a given game host