Command | Description |
.altskicker |
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... |
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Command | Description |
.altskicker |
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... |
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If anybody asked yes this bot got terminated since the bot whas violating tos and it got terminated so if you still want to have a storage bot than im creating also a discord bot like gen here's the dc
please help ewqe eewqeqeewqeqwewqewqewqewewqewewqe eqwe
I cant add gen bot to my server the invite doesnt work also the link of support server doesnt work
Someone can add me on discord and give me the supports serveur please Id: Marha-Dan#3755
please come back this bot and very good I don't know how to create bot and I really need it!
best bot ever!!!! bring it back pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
How do I add to stock pls help but it’s actually it’s a very very nice bot but I’m really stuck on how to add idk the file thing pls help me ❤️❤️
14,800,000 Servers
11,500,000 Servers
9,980,000 Servers
9,920,000 Servers
9,000,000 Servers