Giovanni  [𝙍] icon

Giovanni  [𝙍] icon

Giovanni [𝙍] Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 9 slash commands for Giovanni [𝙍] Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Giovanni [𝙍] when the help command is sent to a channel:
Giovanni [𝙍] avatar
Giovanni [𝙍] BOT today at 4:20 PM

ball_poke Emoji π™ˆπ™„π™‰π™„ π™‚π˜Όπ™ˆπ™€π™Ž
β€’ Catch Game: ?catch | ?stardust
Will be adding more functionality and the ability to spend your Stardust soon.
Battles coming soon. / Slow mode recommended.

ball_poke Emoji π™π™Šπ™ 𝙁𝙐𝙉
β€’ PokΓ©Fusion: ?fusion | ?fuse dex# dex#
β€’ Random Cat: ?meow
β€’ Random Dog: ?woof
β€’ Giovanni's 8-Ball: ?8ball QUESTION
β€’ Rock Paper Scissors: ?rps Rock/Paper/Scissors
β€’ Roll Dice: ?roll
β€’ Poll: ?poll QUESTION
β€’ YouTube: ?youtube SEARCH
β€’ Comic Word Image: ?comicsay MESSAGE
β€’ Shrek Word Image: ?shreksay MESSAGE
β€’ User Avatar: ?avatar @USER

ball_poke Emoji π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™ˆπ™„π™‰ / π™ˆπ™Šπ˜Ώπ™€π™π˜Όπ™π™„π™Šπ™‰
β€’ Mute: ?mute @USER (must have role called MUTED)
β€’ Unmute: ?unmute @USER
β€’ Kick: ?kick @USER
β€’ Add New Channel: +channel CHANNEL NAME
β€’ Category for New Channels: ?setcat CATEGORY_ID (leave blank = reset)
β€’ Delete Channel: -channel #CHANNEL
or ?kaboom (within selected channel)
β€’ Bot Invite: ?botinvite
β€’ Bot Ping: ?ping
β€’ Say Something: ?say #CHANNEL MESSAGE
β€’ Quote Someone: ?quote #CHANNEL MESSAGE_ID
β€’ Delete Messages: ?clear #
β€’ Reset All ?catch Stats: ?reset
β€’ Change the theme colour of Giovanni.
?makeitred / ?makeitblue / ?makeityellow
β€’ Bot Suggestion: ?suggest MESSAGE

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Giovanni [𝙍] by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
?help -
Command Description
/balance Check your PokΓ©coin balance!
/daily Claim your daily coins!
/help Help for Giovanni's games.
/japan How to raid.
/meow Find a cat!
/nyan Nyan PokΓ©mon
/shiny Search for a shiny sprite!
/sprite Search for a sprite.
/woof Find a dog!

More Information on Giovanni [𝙍]

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