Grace icon

Grace icon

Grace Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 85 slash commands for Grace Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Grace when the help command is sent to a channel:
Grace avatar
Grace BOT today at 4:20 PM
Help Command

Here is a list of our help commands!
For the privacy of peoples identity most NSFW commands are anime based!
Most System commands are for Grace Bot Staff Only
Quick Links: Dashboard, Leaderboard, Music Queue, Commands


247, pause, play, playing, queue, repeat, resume, shuffle, skip, stop, volume


archive, ban, case, filtersettings, kick, modsettings, mute, mutesettings, nsfw, setprefix, slowmode, suggestsettings, warn, whitelist


avatar, cats, cuddle, dogs, hug, kiss, pat, poke, poll, slap, suggest, tickle


bug, commands, croles, dashboard, hello, help, mroles, profile, purge, reddit, report, slashcommand, status, support, tag, userinfo, vote, website


leaderboard, level


remind, twitch

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Grace by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/247 Disable the bot from leaving when everyone is gone!
/archive Archive messages from users or bot.
/avatar Get a users profile picture!
/ban Bans the user from the guild
/bug Report a bug to the grace bot dev team!
/case expire Edit the current expire time of a case.
/case info Edit the current info of a case.
/case mod Edit the current moderator of a case.
/case reason Edit the current reason of a case.
/case status Edit the current status of the case.
/cats Get cute photos of a cat!
/commands Get the commands page of the bot!
/croles add Add a custom command role tag.
/croles list Show a list of custom command role tag.
/croles remove Remove a custom command role.
/cuddle Give a big cuddle to a person!
/dashboard Get the dashboard of the bot!
/dogs Get cute photos of a dog!
/filtersettings add Add a blacklist word to the filter list.
/filtersettings info Show the current info of filtered words.
/filtersettings remove Remove a blacklist word to the filter list.
/filtersettings role Add or Remove a role from bypassing the blacklist!
/filtersettings status Edit the current status of filtered words.
/hello The bot says hello to you!
/help Get the list of commands for the bot!
/hug Give a big hug to a person!
/kick Kicks the user from the guild
/kiss Give a big kiss to a person!
/leaderboard Get the link of your servers leaderboard!
/level Get the level card of a user!
/modsettings info Show the current info of moderation.
/modsettings status Edit the current status of moderation commands.
/mroles add Add a custom command role tag.
/mroles list Show a list of custom message roles.
/mroles remove Remove a custom message role.
/mute Mutes the user from the guild
/mutesettings role Edit the current role that will mute users.
/mutesettings status Show the current status of mutes.
/nsfw Change nsfw setting to allow/disable nsfw commands!
/pat Give a big pat to a person!
/pause Pause the music!
/play Play music on youtube, twitch, soundcloud, and more!
/playing See the current song playing!
/poke Give a big poke to a person!
/poll Create a poll to ask your community a question!
/profile Get the link of a users profile!
/purge Delete messages in a channel.
/queue Get the queue of the bot!
/reddit add Add a subreddit to the list of notifications.
/reddit list Show a list of active subreddit notifications.
/reddit remove Remove a subreddit from the notifications list.
/remind add Add a reminder.
/remind list Show a list of active reminders.
/remind remove Remove a reminder.
/repeat Repeat the current song!
/report Report a bug to the dev team!
/resume Resume the music!
/setprefix Change the prefix of the bot when running normal commands!
/shuffle Shuffle the current queue!
/skip Skip the current song!
/slap Give a big slap to a person!
/slashcommand Get the current sync status of the servers slash commands!
/slowmode Set a channel to have a slow mode requiring users to slow down! (6hrs max)
/status Get the status of the bot to see if we have any downage!
/stop Stop the music playing and removes the bot!
/suggest Suggest an idea for your server!
/suggestsettings channel Edit the current channel where suggestions are sent.
/suggestsettings status Edit the current status of the suggets command.
/support Get link to the support discord for grace!
/tag add Add a custom tag.
/tag formats Show a list of the allow formats.
/tag list Show a list of custom tags.
/tag remove Remove a custom tag.
/tickle Give some tickle to a person!
/twitch add Add a twitch streamer to the list of notifications.
/twitch list Show a list of active twitch notifications.
/twitch remove Remove a streamer from the notifications.
/userinfo Get quick info on a user.
/volume Change the volume of the music!
/vote Vote for the bot!
/warn Warns the user in the guild
/website Get the website of the bot!
/whitelist add Add a whitelisted user.
/whitelist list Show a list of whitelisted users.
/whitelist remove Remove a whitelisted user.

More Information on Grace

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