Halo Clips icon

Halo Clips icon

Halo Clips Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Halo Clips Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Halo Clips when the help command is sent to a channel:
Halo Clips avatar
Halo Clips BOT today at 4:20 PM
Help for Halo Clips!

Basic usage
>> "gamertag" game type
All the arguments are optional and can be put in any order.
gamertag (optional): replace this with the gamertag I should look at. This argument is mandatory if you did not save any gamertag as yours (see below). Please note that you may need to quote the gamertag if your gamertag contains space or words like Halo, Reach, ODST and things the bot could understand as a Halo game.
game (optional): the name of the specific Halo game from which you want me to retrieve something. It can be the full name, or an abdriged version of it; for example, you can use H5 instead of Halo 5: Guardians, or ODST, Reach and so on.
type (optional): replace this by screenshot or clip depending on what you'd like to retrieve. If no type is provided, i'll retrieve the latest clip.

General commands
>> remember Gamertag: save/change the Gamertag to which I should bind you.
>> help : send help.
>> invite: get an link to invite this bot to your own servers.
>> delete: delete all data stored about you.

Admin commands
>> set-language: I will ask you the language into which I should speak, amongst the list of languages I can manage.
>> prefix new-prefix: change the prefix used to call the bot.
>> uninstall: the bot will delete everything it stored about this Discord server and will leave it.

To ask questions to the developpers of this bot, feel free to contact us at https://discord.gg/74UAq84 !

made with ♥️ by Halo Création
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Halo Clips by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Halo Clips

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