iFBR Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 13 bot commands and 17 slash commands for iFBR Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
/aes |
- |
/cosmetic |
- |
/export |
- |
/news |
- |
/map |
- |
/servers |
- |
/shop |
- |
/shopsections |
- |
/stats |
- |
/challenges |
- |
/ping |
- |
/about |
- |
/vote |
- |
Command | Description |
/about |
Various useful links containing an invite, support server, hosting, stats, Trello page & more. |
/aes |
Get AES key for the latest Fortnite update. |
/challenges |
Find challenge information for any challenge set. |
/cosmetic |
Find all information on any Fortnite cosmetic. |
/docs |
Find a page on the iFBR Docs |
/export |
Export any cosmetic as a fancy looking icon. |
/help |
Get help & details with the bot. |
/map |
Find the battle royale map for different versions. |
/news |
Find the current news for different gamemodes. |
/ping |
Get the bot's ping/latency to Discord's servers. |
/profile |
View your Discord & iFBR Profile |
/radio |
Find Information on any Fortnite radio station. |
/servers |
Find how many developer servers are on each versions. |
/shop |
Find todays Fortnite Item Shop. |
/shopcategories |
Find the current shop section names. |
/stats |
Find your in-game stats. |
/vote |
Link to vote for the bot on top.gg. |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,860,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers