Infinity icon

Infinity icon

Infinity Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 60 slash commands for Infinity Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Infinity when the help command is sent to a channel:
Infinity avatar
Infinity BOT today at 4:20 PM

Successfully Created Your Data! Try running the Command Again!

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Infinity by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/backup create Create a backup of your server.
/backup delete Delete a backup of your server.
/backup load Load a backup of your server.
/ban hack Bans a member who is not in your server!
/ban member The member you want to ban!
/ban remove Removes a ban from a member!
/ban soft Soft ban a member in you server!
/bot info Get info about the bot
/bot invite Get the invite link for the bot
/bot policy Shows our Bot's Privacy Policy
/bot report Send a report about the bot
/bot suggestion Send a suggestion for our bot
/dashboard admin Shows the admin menu
/dashboard logging Shows the logging menu
/dashboard welcomer Shows the welcomer menu
/delete channel Channel to delete
/delete role Role to delete
/emoji add Add emojis in your server!
/emoji enlarge Get an emoji in .png format image!
/emoji id Get the id of an emoji!
/filter apply Apply filters to music!
/filter list List of all the available filters
/help Get the command list
/lockdown end Unlocks the current channel!
/lockdown start Locks the current channel!
/lockdown timed Locks the current channel for a specified amount of time!
/music 247 Toggles the 24-7 mode!
/music clearqueue Deltes the music queue an leave the voice channel!
/music info Get info for the current or a specific song in the queue!
/music jump Jump to a specific song in the queue!
/music loop Loop a song or the whole queue!
/music lyrics Get the lyrics for a song!
/music move Change the position of songs in the queue!
/music mute Mutes the volume!
/music pause Pauses the current song
/music play Plays a song
/music previoustrack play the previous track again!
/music queue Shows the music queue for your server!
/music remove Remove a song from the queue!
/music replay Replay the current song!
/music resume Resume the queue
/music seek Seek toa specific postion of the current song!
/music shuffle Shuffle the queue!
/music skip Skip the current song in the queue!
/music stop Stop the music and leave the voice channel!
/music unmute UInmutes the volume!
/music volume Change the volume of the music!
/server icon Get the server icon!
/server info Get the server info!
/slashhelp Get help for slash commands!
/voice deafen Deafens a member in a voice channel!
/voice deafenall Deafens all members in a voice channel!
/voice kick Kicks a member from a voice channel!
/voice mute Mutes a member in a voice channel!
/voice muteall Mutes all members in a voice channel!
/voice undeafen Undeafens a member in a voice channel!
/voice undeafenall Undeafens all members in a voice channel!
/voice unmute Unmutes a member in a voice channel!
/voice unmuteall Unmutes all members in a voice channel!
/youtube Watch Youtube on Discord!

More Information on Infinity

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