This message is shown by Insight when the help command is sent to a channel:
Insight BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
These are all of the available Insight commands. Note: Some commands may not be usable in all channel types and may require a feed service.
?about - Display Insight credits, version information, and bot invite links. ?admin - Access the Insight admin console to execute administrator functionality. ?create - Begin setting up a new feed service in this channel. Alias: ?new ?8ball - Shake the 8ball. ?help - Display command information and prefixes. ?limits - Display channel / server rate limits and usage stats. ?lock - Lock a feed service from being modified by users without certain Discord channel roles. ?scan - Local scan. Copy and paste local pilots for a ship and affiliation overview. ?motd - Display the current MOTD for Insight global announcements and updates. ?prefix - Manage server-wide command prefixes for this bot. ?quit - Close and shut down the Insight application service. ?remove - Delete the currently configured feed service in this channel. ?roll - Roll a random number between 0 and 100. ?settings - Modify feed settings and behavior. Alias: ?config
?start - Start/resume a channel feed from being paused. ?status - Display information about the currently running feed. ?stop - Pause a channel feed. ?sync - Manage contact EVE tokens for a radar or proximity watch feed. Contact token syncing allows you to ignore allies in tracked ships from appearing as potential targets. ?time - Get the current EVE time. ?top - List the most expensive kills over the last week. ?unlock - Unlock a feed service to allow any Discord channel user to modify feed configuration.
These are the currently configured prefixes for this server: <@!463952393206497290> <@463952393206497290> ? !
Additional help
For more detailed command, feed type, or configuration information check out the project wiki. Additional live support is available via the Insight support Discord server.
Utility command
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Insight by visiting their support server or their website: