Isekai Maid icon

Isekai Maid icon

Isekai Maid Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 6 bot commands and 55 slash commands for Isekai Maid Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Isekai Maid when the help command is sent to a channel:
Isekai Maid avatar
Isekai Maid BOT today at 4:20 PM

Server Prefix: im.
Server Shard: 9


If you want more complete information, have a look at the official wiki.
To run a command in Isekai Maid, use im.command or <@719912970829955094> command.
For example, .prefix or <@719912970829955094> prefix.
To run a command in this DM, simply use command with no prefix.

Use help <category> to find commands for a specific category.

Are you a new player? Have a look to the How To Start wiki page

Categories characters Shows characters commands config Shows config commands fun Shows fun commands inventory Shows inventory commands isekai Shows isekai commands items Shows items commands main Shows main commands owner Shows owner commands pve Shows pve commands pvp Shows pvp commands trades Shows trades commands userlist Shows userlist commands userprofile Shows userprofile commands userwishlist Shows userwishlist commands util Shows util commands

Requester by
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Isekai Maid by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
im.quests -
im.q -
im.daily -
im.inv -
im.campaign -
im.inventory -
Command Description
/animewishlist Shows the user profile
/animewishlistadd Shows the user profile
/animewishlistremove Shows the user profile
/botinfo Get informations about the bot.
/changelog Get informations about the bot
/claim Try to claim a character with their name from a spawned character in the server.
/coinflip Used to bet on a coin face.
/completion Check the completion for the provided series
/daily Claim your daily fuels at the Fuel Station
/dailysummon Summon a free daily character
/disablechannel Used to set disable a specific channel
/disablespawn Used to set if character should spawn or not in this server
/exclusiveimageswap Switch the image for an exclusive character (6+).
/extendedinfo Used to get the extended informations about a provided character
/fight Used to fight a boss that has appeared.
/fuel Shows the user isekai fuel amount.
/gifs Used to get a random gif corresponding to the option.
/help Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
/image Used to show the image list of the provided character
/info Used to get the information about a provided character
/invite Get the invitation link to invite the bot to your server.
/language Used to change the language used in this server
/lift Get fuel from a spawned truck using the code.
/list Used to show your list of characters
/lookup Used to search a character
/multisummon Used to summon multiple characters at once with fuel..
/ping Check to see if the bot is responsive
/prefix Used to change the bot prefix in the current server
/recycle Used to recycle a character, and get some isekai fuel in return.
/regeratelocalid Used to regerate local ids
/seriescharacters List all the different characters from the provided series name.
/seriesfavorite Used to favorite all the characters you own from a specific anime/manga.
/setbackground Used to set the background of the user's profile.
/setfavoritecharacter Used to set the profile favorite character to the provided one
/setfavoritecharacterimage Used to set the image of the user profile's character.
/setprofilecolor Used to set the a custom profile color
/shards Get information about shards.
/spawnchannel Used to set the channel where the character will spawn
/summon Used to summon a character with fuel..
/support Get the invitation link for the official bot discord.
/toggleprivate Used to toggle private list/profile/fuel.
/trade Used to trade with the provided user.
/tradeabort Cancel a trade that is in progress
/tradeaddcharacter Add a character in your side for the current trade
/tradeaddfuel Add fuel in your side for the current trade
/tradeconfirm Confirm a trade that is in progress
/traderemovecharacter Remove a character in your side for the current trade
/traderemovefuel Remove fuel in your side for the current trade
/upgrade Used to upgrade one of your character.
/view Used to inspect your character.
/vote Get the vote link to vote for the bot and get some fuel in return.
/vote2 Get the vote link to vote for the bot and get some fuel in return.
/wishlist Shows the user profile
/wishlistcharacter Shows the user profile
/wishlistclear Shows the user profile

More Information on Isekai Maid

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