Jose The Cow Commands
Currently we have 0 bot commands and 33 slash commands for Jose The Cow Discord bot.
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/ascii |
Convert text to ASCII! |
/ban |
Permanently remove a member from your server. |
/beg |
Beg for some Grassbux from Jose! |
/betrayal |
Play Betrayal with friends! |
/card |
Check out your jCard to see your balance and more user information! |
/chess |
Play Chess In The Park with friends! |
/chick-fil-a |
Order from Chick-Fil-A! |
/chipotle |
Order from Chipotle! |
/clear |
Clear a number of messages from the channel. |
/covid-stats |
View the COVID-19 statistics for a country or the world. |
/cow |
Receive a cow! |
/credits |
The JTC Credits! |
/daily |
Receive your daily reward from Jose! |
/fishing |
Play Fishington with friends! |
/galaxia |
Join Jose's very first farm! |
/impersonate |
Make it seem like another user is talking! |
/inventory |
Check out your inventory to see all your items! |
/invite |
Invite Jose to your server! |
/kick |
Remove a member from your server. |
/meme |
Receive a meme! |
/mrbeastburger |
Order from Mr. Beast Burger! |
/say |
Have Jose send a message! |
/shop |
Check out the shop! |
/slowmode |
Set a custom slowmode for the channel you're in! |
/suggest |
Suggest a feature for Jose! |
/support |
Need some extra Jose support? Join the JTC Support Server! |
/surrealism |
Check out Surreal's own bot! |
/talk |
Talk to Jose himself! |
/vote |
Vote for Jose The Cow on! |
/weather |
Check the weather forecast for a location! |
/work |
Work to get some Grassbux! |
/youtube |
Check out the JTC Team YouTube! |
/youtube-together |
Watch YouTube with friends! |
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