Juzo icon

Juzo icon

Juzo Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 25 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Juzo Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Juzo when the help command is sent to a channel:
Juzo avatar
Juzo BOT today at 4:20 PM

Alternative.me, Check DM!

Juzo will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Juzo avatar
Juzo BOT today at 4:20 PM
Admin Commands

actionlog [channelID]
Link or unlink a channel for action logs

approve [SuggestionID]
Approve a suggestion
confessionchannel [confessionchannelID]
Sets confession channel
count [number]
Sets the count to a specific number
countchannel [countchannelID]
Sets countchannel
findchannelbyid [channelID]
Finds a channel by id and returns the name
joinlog [channelID]
Links a joinlog to a channel
Links a 'keep one replace one' channel
leavelog [channelID]
Sets leavelog
math [mathchannel]
Sets math channel
Link or unlink a 'Member Count'- Channel. Manage Channels Permission required.
mlt [channel]
Link or unlink a Most Likely To channel

modlog [channelID]
Link a channel for modlogs

modrole [rolelID]
Sets mod role
Link or unlink a 'Never Have I Ever'- Channel

onewschannel [channelID]
Sets one word story channel
prefix [prefix]
Sets a custom prefix for your server
purge [number]
Deletes a number of messages
qa [channel]
Link or unlink a random question and answer channel

reactchannel [reactchannelID] [emojiID]
Reacts to every new message in the given React channel with given emoji
List all reactchannels on the server
reacttomsg [messageID] [emojiname]
Reacts to the message with the given emojiname
reject [SuggestionID]
Reject a suggestion
reportchannel [channelID]
Link a channel for reports

reportrole [rolelID]
Sets report role
reverse [channelID]
Sets a reverse channel
Finds offline members who only have that role and removes it from them
sayinchannel [channelid] [message]
Lets the bot say something in a specific channel
automod and stuff
Links a 'story' channel
suggestionchannel [channelID]
Links a channel for posting suggestions

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Juzo by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
j!react -
j!reacttothis -
j!reacttolast -
j!emojis -
j!ytsearch -
j!say -
j!dog -
j!cat -
j!help -
j!countchannel -
j!onewschannel -
j!reversechannel -
j!suggestionchannel -
j!korochannel -
j!storychannel -
j!story -
j!reactchannel -
j!tempmute -
j!kick -
j!ban -
j!reportdone -
j!joinlog -
j!leavelog -
j!reportchannel -
j!purge -
Command Description

More Information on Juzo

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