As soon as you invite Kernel to your channel, it will send the following message:
Kernel BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Hi there! Here's a quick introduction to Kernel
Kernel is the go-to bot for everything useful. I'm not interested in playing flappy bird or connect 4, instead I'm here to help you moderate your server and make your life easier. My features include interactive giveaways, chat filter, warnings, mass ban, logging, notepad, auctions and so much more! If you don't find something you want, you can either use the .suggest command or talk to the me directly on the Official Server
Default Prefix: . React with 🔄 to change right now [Experimental] Use kn!prefix to change it later (kn! is a global prefix)
List all commands: .help View help on a command: .help <command> TIP: View the help for a command to learn about it first