KokoNut icon

KokoNut icon

KokoNut Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 16 slash commands for KokoNut Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by KokoNut when the help command is sent to a channel:
KokNut avatar
KokNut BOT today at 4:20 PM

If this is first time using me please use --guide

WebsiteInvite MeSupport ServerVote

For best music experience use --musicchat create

Command Categories


--help economy


--help fun

**Game stats**

--help game stats


--help info


--help moderation


--help music


--help playlist


--help tools


--help twitch


--help twitter


--help youtube

Requested by Alternative.me
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of KokoNut by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/embed Lets you create your custom embed. (pretty cool if you ask me)
/farm expand Expand your farm, buy new tiles
/farm harvest Harvest grown up crops
/farm plow Plow the fields so you can plant seeds again
/farm show Shows the current state of the farm
/farm sow Plant a seed
/farm view Inspect state of a field
/farm water Water your crops for faster growth
/filter Set a music filters! They're free for now.
/move Move a song in the queue.
/play Plays some music
/radio play Plays provided stream link, if no link is provided upbeat radio will play
/radio search Lets you search for radio station
/remove Removes songs from the queue
/skip Skips the current song
/stop Stops the music and leaves the voicechannel

More Information on KokoNut

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