Layedgroov icon

Layedgroov icon


0 reviews | 75 servers
Default Prefix: lay
Command Description
/8ball 8ball with layedgroov!
/advice gives you advice
/avatar shows avatar of user
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

As soon as you invite Layedgroov to your channel, it will send the following message:
Layedgroov avatar
Layedgroov BOT today at 4:20 PM

You've just added me to My Server.

Here is some information about myself:

MultiPourpose bot
Invite: lay invite
Getting help: Dolay helpor@Layedgroov#1678 helpto see all of my commands

INFORMATION Layedgroov's link
Support Server: Support Server

When inviting Layedgroov to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Layedgroov avatar
Layedgroov BOT today at 4:20 PM
Command List (Page 1)

To run a command, use lay <command> or @Layedgroov#1678 <command>.
Use in an NSFW channel to see NSFW commands.

❯ Support Server


❯ Fun

8ball advice cat cat-fact chuck-norris coolness cuteness dadjokes dick dog dog-fact fml food fortune friendship gayrate guess-looks hack iq memes name-rater roast roll say shiba ship-name ship shower-thought smash-or-pass spotify swago-meter thicc think-of topic toxicity worth no-u

❯ Music

bassboost join leave lyric pause play queue resume skip

❯ Games

akinator balloon-pop battle bingo bubble-wrap car-race connect-four d20 dots-and-boxes emoji-emoji-revolution google-feud hangman imposter memory quiz roulette rps rpsls slots tic-tac-toe true-or-false typing-test will-you-press-the-button would-you-rather

❯ Avatar edit

avatar-fusion chocolate-milk eject fire hat he-lives-in-you hearts i-have-the-power rip sip steam-now-playing-classic triggered

❯ image edit

ace-attorney achievement adorable apple-engraving approved axis-cult-sign-up bob-ross caution certificate chinese-restaurant color contrast danger distort fire-frame ghost glass-shatter glitch gun implode invert license-plate noise create-qr-code shake simp spotify-now-playing you-died

❯ Edit meme

distracted-boyfriend new-password

❯ Edit Text

base64 binary clap cow-say cursive embed lolcat lowercase owo reverse snake-speak spoiler-letter yoda

❯ roleplay

blush cry cuddle dance die feed holding-hands hug kill kiss lick love pat peck poke pout slap sleep smile stare tickle

❯ Information

avatar channel covid-19 emoji-list first-message role server servericon strawpoll today user weather

❯ Owner Only Commands

set-avatar set-username

Bot Status

Layedgroov's current status is offline
Last checked (2024-12-26 02:25:04 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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