MarriageBot icon

MarriageBot icon


0 reviews | 1,770,000 servers
Default Prefix: m!
Command Description
m!marry -
m!divorce -
m!adopt -
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting MarriageBot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
MarriageBot avatar
MarriageBot BOT today at 4:20 PM

m!partner - Tells you who a user is married to.
m!children - Tells you who a user's children are.
m!siblings - Tells you who a user's siblings are.
m!parent - Tells you who someone's parent is.
m!familysize - Gives you the size of your family tree.
m!relationship - Gets the relationship between the two specified users.
m!tree - Gets the blood family tree of a given user.
m!bloodtree - Gets the enitre family tree of a given user.

Server Specific

m!perks - Shows you the perks associated with different support tiers.
m!incest - Toggles allowing incest on your guild.
m!gold - Gives you the information about server specific families and MarriageBot Gold.
m!forcemarry - Marries the two specified users.
m!forcedivorce - Divorces a user from their spouse.
m!forceadopt - Adds the child to the specified parent.
m!forceemancipate - Force emancipates a child.


m!makeparent - Picks a user that you want to be your parent.
m!adopt - Adopt another user into your family.
m!disown - Lets you remove a user from being your child.
m!emancipate - Removes your parent.
m!disownall - Disowns all of your children.
m!abandon - Completely removes you from the tree.

Simulation Commands

m!hug - Hugs a mentioned user.
m!kiss - Kisses a mentioned user.
m!slap - Slaps a mentioned user.
m!punch - Punches a mentioned user.
m!ship - Gives you a ship percentage between two users.

Bot Stats

m!info - Gives you information about the bot, including some important links, such as its invite.
m!invite - Gives you the bot's invite link.
m!vote - Gives you a link to vote for the bot.
m!stats - Gives you the stats for the bot.

Block Commands

m!block - Blocks a user from being able to adopt/makeparent/etc you.
m!unblock - Unblocks a user and allows them to adopt/makeparent/etc you.


m!marry - Lets you propose to another Discord user.
m!divorce - Divorces you from your current partner.

Bot Settings

m!prefix - Changes the prefix that the bot uses.

Bot Status

MarriageBot's current status is online
Last checked (2024-05-07 22:35:03 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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