As soon as you invite Mars Bot to your channel, it will send the following message:
Mars Bot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Thank You for adding Mars Bot
Thank you for adding Mars Bot to your server. For more information use =help or check out my github.
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
When inviting Mars Bot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Mars Bot BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Mars Bot Help (Prefix: `=`)
Key: ⚠️ Guild Only Argument names enclosed in [square brackets] are optional. Ones enclosed in <angle brackets> are required. Ones enclosed in ['single quotes'] mean that you should type their name to toggle an option (instead of providing a value of your own). Ones separated by <vertical | bars> mean you can choose between one of them (this also applies to quoted arguments). PS Thx catte for the arguments explanation
**__Mission Info__**
•mars Find Information about the Red Planet •climate-orbiter Find Information about the climate orbiter mission •exomars Find Information on the exo mars mission •global-surveyor Find Information on the global surveyor mission •mariner Find Information on the Mariner 3-9 missions •mars-express Find Information on the Mars Express mission •maven Find Information on the Mars Atmospheric and Volatile EvolutioN (Maven) mission •mro Find Information on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) mission •observer Find Information on the Observer mission •odyssey Find Information on the odyssey mission •pathfinder Find Information on the pathfinder mission •phoenix Find Information on the phoenix mission •polar-lander Find Information on the Mars Polar Lander/Deep Space 2 mission •viking Find Information on the Viking 1 & 2 missions
**__Rover Info__**
•curiosity Get info about curiosity and look up the images it has taken •opportunity Get info about opportunity and look up the images it has taken •perseverance Get info about perseverance and look up the images it has taken •spirit Get info about spirit and look up the images it has taken
**__Image Search__**
•apod Every day NASA publishes an "Astronomy Picture of the Day" use this command to see todays •image Search for images from rovers with more freedom and look per camera •insight Get info about insight and find weather data it has collected •manifest Get detailed Info on rovers and there stats •search Look for an image in the NASA image library.
•groups Lists all command groups. •enable Enables a command or command group. •disable Disables a command or command group.
•prefix Shows or sets the command prefix. •ping Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server. •bug Report any and all bugs here •dpod⚠️ Configure your servers "Daily Astronomy Picture of the Day" •help Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command. •invite Invite me to your server •privacy Report any and all bugs here •stats Find Information about the Red Planet •suggest Give us a suggestion •support Get Help
Bot Status
Mars Bot's current status is offline
Last checked (2024-12-23 18:45:03 UTC)
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