MC Verify icon

MC Verify icon

MC Verify Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 11 bot commands and 8 slash commands for MC Verify Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by MC Verify when the help command is sent to a channel:
MC Verify avatar
MC Verify BOT today at 4:20 PM
Minecraft Verification Bot Help:

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General Commands:

/verify Link your Minecraft account with your Discord account.
/rankupdate Force update your rank in this server.
/link Lookup a user's Discord (given Minecraft) or Minecraft (given Discord) account.
/unverify Unverify your Discord account.
/uuid Returns the user's Minecraft UUID.

!api [DM Only] Discover the MC Verify API.

Moderator Commands:

!watchlist add <UUID/Minecraft Name> Watch this minecraft account and alert of joins.
!watchlist remove <UUID/Minecraft Name> Remove this minecraft account from the watchlist.
!watchlist list List all users in the watchlist.
!rankupdateother <Member> Rank update another user by force.
!verifyother <Member> <UUID/Minecraft Name> Attempt to verify another user who has their Hypixel settings correctly set.
!forceverify <Member> Apply force verification to a user.

Admin Commands

!setup Run the interactive setup.
!set <key> <value> Set a setting. No variables for a list of settings.
!get <key> Get the value of a setting.
!clear <key> Clear the set value of a setting.
!massupdate Apply verification roles to all verified users in the server without roles.
!massclean Ensure all users have valid, up-to-date role formats and remove unverified users who have verification roles.


This bot is hosted and maintained by ChimneySwift#1337 as part of the Skyblock Community Development program.

While not guaranteed, we are required to maintain very good uptime for our server and tend to keep up to date with the latest Discord features.

If you have any comments or questions, you may either contact ChimneySwift#1337 directly (join the Minecraft official Discord and DM) or email him directly at

Has this bot improved your server? Consider donating, or voting!

Minecraft Verification Bot ~ Maintained By SkyComm Development Team
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of MC Verify by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
!watchlist -
!forceverify -
!rankupdateother -
!set -
!get -
!clear -
!massupdate -
!massclean -
!setup -
!api -
!help -
Command Description
/link discord Convert Discord to Minecraft Username and UUID.
/link minecraft Convert Minecraft UUID or Username to Discord user.
/rankupdate Update your rank within this server.
/unverify Unlink your Discord account from any associated Minecraft account.
/uuid Returns the user's Minecraft UUID.
/verify code Verify using a code. Login to ``, run this command using the linking code.
/verify help Show verification help.
/verify hypixel Verify using Hypixel. Set NameAndDiscrim#0000 in Hypixel's social settings, then run this commmand.

More Information on MC Verify

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